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Post Wisdom teeth removal. WHAT TO DO

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by bcustom28k, May 28, 2009.

  1. Cant smoke for a while, needless to say im feindenn already 10 hours after surgery.

    I am determined not to have any set back(dry socket) so im not gonna smoke.

    Any ideas on shit to do around the house to keep me busy and not bored- other than TV, videogames, and surfin the web.

    AND also some ideas on how to best smoke in a few days when i finally do .

    I cant inhale through my nose so thats outa the question

    Im thinking maybe ill have my sister or mom fill up my SG straitshot and ill just lightley clear it?
    or maybe do the same thing with a dry peice..

    already know about putting gauzze in b4 smoke and rise afterwards with salt and water.

    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! this recovery/T-break will be miserable
  2. waterfall hits are going to be your friend, or get some edibles such as brownies etc....
  3. yea, make brownies then put ice cream over it and blend em up...broke my jaw and lived like that for 3 months.
  4. #4 bcustom28k, May 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2009
    Damn that sounds awesome. but ive never made brownies before and wouldnt wanna risk wasting any of my new purps.

    but if this shit lasts longer than expected edibles will definetly have to happen. Ill just get my mom to do it maybe, although she wouldnt be thrilled

    Philly 4 life- How much of high quality buds would you need to bake just for one or two brownies
  5. that would be tough. you really need an 8th at the least to make food and that would be for like 4 brownies. you could buy those betty crokcer (or some similar brand) brownie things you make in the microwave. you can grind up your herb(to a grinder if poss) ~.7-1g and mix it in before the mic. doesnt work great but does work.
    iif you have never done it, not a great time to start. just wait 4 days and smoke a little
    ull be fine with the dry socket. its more meant for cigs anyway. most people i no start after 3 days
  6. Thanks Philly. yeah thats the plan. Someday i will have to get my hands on some nice edibles. Ive had a few brownies before but none of them got me high watsoever. one was made witha few ounces of stems and the other didnt have much ganja in it im pretty sure. both free so no worries
  7. I smoked up a couple hours after I got all four of mine removed. Hey, no pain no gain.
  8. I had wisdom teeth pulled about 6 months ago. I had my best friend blow me shotguns while I was leaving the dental surgeon's office LOL. In about 24 hours, I was taking VERY LIGHT drags off of a joint and did fine. Just keep up with the cholrhexine gluconate (sp?) mouthwash they give you (it helps stop your stiches/gums from bleeding to death) and antibiotics and pull LIGHTLY and you'll be fine! :hello:

    I get to go back for them to pull my right side teeth in 2 months I cant wait :hello: Only reason I only got 2 pulled was because I could only afford to take 1 day off work at that point as we had a huge project due :rolleyes:
  9. theres just too many horror stories out their about people getting drysocket
  10. should be no problem just smoking nothing happend to me
  11. you get percs don't you? i would just get fucked up off those hahaha
  12. i smoked a blunt the next day after i got all four out, rinsed with salt water and i had no problems
  13. i just asked my neighbor in dental school. smoking weed, once maybe twice a day wont do it those first few days. esp if you use the perscription mouthwash and saltwater after. its more about moisture and likt i thought before smoking cigs. do what you think is best but they say that so you are not smoking a pack of cigs a day...he got a good laugh when i told him i wanted to know for a kid on a forum
  14. If you have good weed, just smoke it and get rid of the pharaceuticals. I think dentists are more worried about cigarette smokers who would have the inside of their mouths constantly bathed in smoke from a pack a day. The tiny amount of smoke that comes from a bowl or two of nice bud would pose no more threat than the germs already in your mouth. Just keep the water up so your mouth doesn't dry up too much. This is based on experience.
  15. Had all four of my teeth removed, and smoked the day after. Would have smoked the night of but the doctor didn't tell me i shouldn't eat anything because mixed with the anesthetics i would throw it up, and well i drank a v8 and a smoothie and threw up over 4 times opening my sores each time :/
    but, the next day, got some dank, got my friend to get the bong all milky for me and just ripped hit after hit without any real effort, after that i just rinsed my mouth with some salt water and i was good to go ;)
    just go with it man, don't be scared but don't push yourself all the way when you start trying it out, go slow.
    and y
  16. I used a Waterfall when I got mine out. Got all 4 out and smoked the next day

  17. Yeah, you should be on some type of opiate... just pop four or five of those things. I got perc 10's for my wisdom teeth... nice little break from weed.
  18. I have some vikes i was perscibed, but i have a very week stomach and definetly dont wanna throw up and tear up all the healing thats happenening.

    and im really not in that much pain, only when i more around my jaw or open it, any mouth movements really, but no need for the vikes, not yet anyway(fingers crossed)

    PS- I hate the idea of taking any pharmacudecals. obviouslt pain killers have a purpose and work. but its a fraudulant industry which is doing nothing for society in the long run.

    Its funny if you do some research you'll find that all the big pharm companies mission statement do not read this 'help cure disease, help people'.... instead it is "to ensure the future sale of product"

    Im biased as my sister's life has been destroyed over the last 6 years going from med to med to try and treat deppresion/personality disorders
  19. Hell yeah thanks for goin outa ur way. plus rep for sure

  20. DOOOOD! dont even take waterfalls or nostril hits. even a little smoke in you mouth can infect the wounds that are where your wisdom teeeth were. I would suggest eating edibles, but i can understand if thats not enough, cuz when i had mine out edibls werent enough b/c i like the actual event of smoking, keeps me unbored. But if you dont do edibles take the pills that you're prescibed to, hopefully you get perkisets or if you dont like pills maybe some lean or some liquid luratab. if none of the above, start drinkin some whiskey and eatin those pills cuz thats what i did.

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