Well, I don't have the capabilities of posting pictures. I, too, have an adult cat and a kitten, they go tearing through the house at breakneck speeds playing with each other. Quite entertaining.
I'm gonna be honest, those pics of the cats above aren't really mine. I just thought the pics were funny, and I wanted to show them. Heres the real pictures of my real cats...
necroton,necroton,necroton.....i dont believe for one second ANY of those creatures are YOURS as always unoit....*waves HIGH*... cute,cute,cute... and dang drina has healthy choppers peace
OK here's a pic of me and my cat, his name's Biddy... It looks like we're cuddling and all cute but really its the only way I could get him to stay still for our crappy webcam... he likes to perch himself on my boob and stick his nose in my ear, or into my ponytail when my hair's up. That's his "Bitch let go of me" look. I don't like to hold him against his will, but he wanted to say hi to all of you Oh yeah and yes, I know, I really should get a scanner or a digital cam... Coming in the works.. Then you can see his cutie face
OK so maybe I am obsessed with my cat, but I have no children and my boyfriend sleeps all the time so please forgive me. Here's what he does everytime he gets home. He gets all impatient and meows louder and louder until I pick his ass up, and then he's all motors-runnin'.. He's much happier in this pic than the one before!
I got all these pictures of the pasture puppies down the road, and Rufus, the wonder dawg, and Flake, the horse who would not die, and Boo, the cat that will never die,(17 yrs.) and I can't post them 'cause my "blonde" friend who took the digital pics sent them to as bmp. files instead of jpg. So I'm waiting patiently for her to come back and take some more with her cam set-up for jpg. But she is a true Blonde! So it could be awhile. Great pics y'all. Ain't animals a wonderful thing!
I can't wait to see smokinokie's furried friends too! I love animals, and have been begging the bf for another cat (but since biddy is so distempered i am losing the fight).. Asssss for the BF, yeah he sleeps too much for his own good, I always tease him that he misses specific "time frames" and he's out of luck... I don't know how the boy does it but he sleeps like rip van winkle !!
I have a kitten named Puma who usually sits in on thr sessions, though her eye-paw corrodination suffers alot. I also have a Jackson chameleon named Tito, he likes to eat the weed plants sometimes, cant really tell if hes high or not.
Oooooooooh my Goooood!! You guys have the CUTEST pets. I gotta scan some pics of my kitties. Icecreamkid, your kitten its adorable. ANd ganjaphish, now we know what cha look like!! You're beautiful!!! I figured!! post more pics every1, these are 2 cute.