Post Drawn Pictures with a Story

Discussion in 'General' started by UmphPool, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. #1 UmphPool, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2011
    I came back into my dorm after smoking 3 bowls with my Roommate. Earlier that day I bought color pencils and told my girlfriend that im going to draw what ever came to my mind. This is what happened lol also its like 7:00 when we started smoking:

    I think the story in the Picture could be the story of life. Theres a guy hanging on a tree meaning you die eventually and it wont be pretty but you need to accept it. The comets hitting the planet could mean that the world is fragile and any thing can affect it. If your curious to know what is in the other world so am I, but its that basic curiosity making us look out to see what else we can interact with. The lake is a place of comfort and the water helps us live.The two ladders are previous attempts to know that is above it but stopped to soon. But they stopped the pyramid maybe where riches can be found. Riches meaning idea's, or your wildest thoughts about life and the world. The guy in the middle is a little bit of good and bad mixed into one but he seems to be all knowing and above everyone.

    Be free to ask me more and if you want me to draw more

    My girl told me to put it up and share it. Im honestly a little shy with this type of shit but you guys are pretty cool. Feel free to share and enjoy ( My sig is on the bottom)
    And I took the picture with my Iphone sorry if its not great
  2. see the man on the mushroom...thats my dad ...

    :) haha not really, i like it, its really trippy
  3. There's not really a story behind this picture, I just drew this while I was super high and thought it was cool.

  4. Damn Bro that looks awesome

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