Post 1 thing to talk about with a girl on phone

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Lerf, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. #1 Lerf, Jan 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2012
    So after dating my ex we used to always run out of shit to talk about on the phone. In this post write something that can be used to spark a conversation.

    Soo when we going to Go out to a bassnectar concert together.
  2. Keep the conversation about her. Girls are self centered and just want to hear themselves talk.
  3. Ya if you ask a girl about her day that's like a 2 hour conversation right there
  4. hahaha this reminds me, one time my boy was talkin to his girl on the phone and hes like 'watch this..'

    he puts the phone on speaker, leaves to the room and goes to the bathroom, takes a piss and comes back.

    the whole time his girlfriend was talking about pointless shit and he comes back and is like "oh yeah mhm yup yeah" she didnt even know he was gone lol
  5. Nothing.

    You keep those bitches in the dark until you face to face.
  6. Bingo boingo, don't talk to her for longer than five minutes on the phone as a rule of thumb.

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