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Possible Vaporizer?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jackhererwasright, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. i got these instruction for a vaoprizer that u make out of a pressure cokker. any thoughts before i try it?

    - Go to Walmart and buy a small pot with a glass lid and a 1/4" steam-release hole in the top.
    - Go to a hardware store and buy a 2' length of 1/4" silicon/latex tubing, and a couple of brass fittings: One double-ended male-male joiner (for a mouthpiece) and another 1/4" female to 1/8" male to stick in the hole of the lid.
    - Total damage: @ $20
    Put a little herb on the bottom of the pot, cover, and heat on low until vapourization.
    Safe, Ejoyable, and Healthy.
  2. Sounds like it would work!!
  3. Yea there's no way to adjust the temperature, you might just burn it.

    If you want a cheap vape that actually works well and is stealth/simple, check out the Magic Flight Launch Box.
    There are reviews on
  4. Just buy a cheap vape on ebay for 40$ and get a free grinder it works great for me.
  5. DO NOT buy cheap eBay vapes, they don't last long and have no warranty whatsoever. Besides, they are made with dangerous materials in China.

    The MF LB has a lifetime warranty, and if anything goes wrong they send you another one.

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