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Possible to smoke in an apartment?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by FuzzyCatfish, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. Im moving into an apartment and I want to smoke weed in there (obviously). But I am worried about the smell. My roommates don't give a shit about me smoking, I worried about other people in the building. Will it smell bad enough for them to smell it? I know this will have a lot to do with how much I smoke but can I smoke at all?
  2. Unless you're smoking very potent shit right by the door then no, you have nothing to worry about. But if you'd rather be on the safe side just smoke by a window and blow the smoke out-problem solved. :D
  3. Make a sploof. It will save you time and time again. If you don't know what one is, look it up on youtube.
  4. I live in an apartment and smoke all the time, never had a complaint. I actually make a point of keeping the windows closed while I smoke so some rogue weed smell doesn't go into someone else's window.
  5. Yeah I have some premade sploofs, I was kinda bored. But thanks, I can toke in peace now.
  6. Yeah you could also go into the bathroom and turn the fan on, or just blow the smoke into a pillow... just be creative man.
  7. i smoke in my apartment all the time bro as long as u dont roll blunts n shit ur good cause i attracted alot of attention cause i had like 3 bros over n we smoked a 2g blunt n about a week later some udnercover cops were snoopin around the place but at the same time my nehiborhood has like 3 dealers here so it was easy to draw heat
  8. i live in like a town house apartment and i smoke in my room when ever i want... im sure you could probably smoke a blunt in there and be alright.. even though i would never do that
  9. You could just vape.
  10. I could also buy a dancing monkey, But I dont have that kinda of money
  11. Here's a trick (can be done in a hotel too) . . .

    Take a towel, wet it, roll it up. Toke and blow into the wet towel. Try to keep ambient smoke from reefer going into towel too.

    Used many times on the road in hotels where you aren't allowed to smoke. Works like a charm
  12. When I was a teenager and we lived in a apartment, my mom smoked everyday. I don't really recommend blowing out the window, cause someone passing by might smell it.
  13. Does this apartment not have windows?
  14. Light some incense when your smoking bro. Or if thats not good enough get a toilet paper roll and stuff it with dryer sheets and exhale through the toilet paper roll.
  15. That sounds hilariously effective
  16. If you're in the mood to just relax and smoke on a coach the sploof should work or you could burn incense or febreze after. If you're doing sneak-a-toke you could just stand next to a window, prop a fan up to it and just blow into there. I've done the window thing countless times with parents next room over and was fine.

  17. [​IMG]
    look similar?
  18. At my friends apartment, he just lights some incense. But he has always been privy to incense.
  19. Heh, I call those toilet paper dryer-sheet things "silencers" :smoking: they work pretty good, I used them when I was living at home and I also had those automatic air fresheners that went off every nine minutes... you could also use a paper towel roll cuz it's super long... Having good air circulation helps and using incense in combination works really well... We try to do everything we can to cover up the smell.:bongin:
  20. carbon filter sploof

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