possible security breach and best way to deal with it..

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Ensano, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. hypothetical situation. say you are growing in a small closet and your ex finds out about your setup. (she was around when you were semi-building it). and now she has this power over you. what do you do? you owe her a couple hundred $ but nothing serious. but now she's demanding it back. also saying she has made a copy of your housekeys

    scrap the whole project, tell her to go fuck herself and when the enevitable breakin happens she finds nothing then restart at a later time?
  2. don't do anything that would allow her to f*ck you over (aka growing) until she is far and gone.
  3. Get rid of everything and don't even think about growing again until you have no further contact with your ex and preferably, have moved.

    Take it as an important lesson, and next time make sure nobody knows a damn thing.

    Unless of course you want to end up in prison.
  4. This, dont make a dumb decision for bud. Get rid.

  5. You are compromised, shut your grow and dispose of everything incriminating immediately. Nothing can get you busted faster than an angry ex-girfriend...
  6. And change the locks!!
  7. Kill her.

    No really, change the locks fucking tomorrow. That shits creepy. And try to have a friend look after your grow for a while or something, at least a harvest I should think. Long enough that you can tell she won't try to rat on you before you keep it at home again.
  8. Pay her back and change your locks.
  9. rebuild it in Her house then call the cops.. both problems solved ... She is gone .. and you no longer owe her money ..

    jk BTW

  10. Man Im in the same boat but worse. At least 5 times already my roomate/girlfriend/ soon to be baby momma freaks out on me and threatens to call the police. It comes down to the fact that she and most of my previous girlfriends have been jealous of Mary. I had all my ladies outside but decided to bring a few inside to ensure some bud. well since then we moved intogether and she got pregnant. I've almost abandond my grow many times in the past 6-8 weeks. The most recent threat was about 12 hours ago and about 2 hours ago we had make-up sex... They are still here and Im not in jail either. the key is to calm the beast. It's all up to how you talk to and treat her. Def. give her the money or at least some for now, and change the locks. Take her to lunch and try to smooth it out some... Words will get you further than anything... If they arnt an option then your grow prolly isnt either... GL

  11. Scrap everything. Remove anything unlawful.

    Then when someone tries to break in and steal what's not there, you're lieing in wait with a shotgun in the closet.

    Or the cops come and you don't get in trouble.
  12. Lasers!

    They'll slice you to pieces.
  13. spend a little cash and change your damn locks bro

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