I am not advertising but I have an idea. The link on top is for a 5000watt portable solar generator . I wanted to buy this for so long but it is not on sale no more. When I was interested I was contacting the seller back and fourth with questions about it like can it run a 750 watts HPS light and how long , stuff like that. This solar generator can save alot of electricy and money on bill. Anyways the seller contacted me back and he was interested on making a model for growers only. EMAIL #1 <o> </o> Code: I was wondering what kind of solar generator would i need to run a 750W Grow Light System. And in that case I'm planning to run around four of those lights for my green house. TK in Advance Responding to EMAIL #1 Code: Thanks for your interest, I have just a couple of questions to be able to give you a complete answer. When will you be operating the grow lights? Will it be 24 hours at a time 7 days a week? Or will it be just during the day or during the night? That will make a difference on the configuration and of course the expense. We are very interested in this grower market, and would be willing to put together a special deal in order to get a reference. Where are you located, because hours of daylight may also be a factor. Thanks again for your interest and we look forward to being of service. Email #2 Code: I will be operating the grow lights during the spring and summer. If not 24 hours a day I would perfer at least 18 hours a day. It would be operating during the daytime and I own some houses in the Los Angeles County area in California, but currently staying in Pasadena to be exact. Yea i had to make up some BS to make me sound professional but if your interested more about solar generator pls respond and ill keep you up to date about it.