
Discussion in 'General' started by Radar, Aug 10, 2007.

  1. I am eating one right now. It is so good. It has sherbert in it. Aren't popsicles great?

    Do you have a favorite popscicle? Are you more of a creamsicle person, or a fudge pop? (Yes those count) Or how about those long, thin flavor frezzer pops? What do you like?
  2. I looove the Strawberry ones By Dreyers, or the Haagen Dazs ones.
  3. I dont eat anything like that, But always interested in watchin the females...

    Shows ya some things on they techinque....
  4. [​IMG] strawberry shortcake bar...classic icecream man.
  5. freeze pops all the way man...gotta love the green and blue ones!
  6. I don't really like popsicles that much, but I'm getting a tattoo of one on my shoulder next year. It's an inside joke. :p

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