POLL: one THIRD of Americans believe in a "New World Order"

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by lightupbong, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. #1 lightupbong, Apr 7, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2013
    One third may not seem like much, but it's 33% of the people in this country. Thats a massive amount of Americans who distrust the government, and I would venture to guess that number will increase significantly by the next election. Now, all the major media outlets are "sort of" reporting on this, but they are running it with their typical spin, trying to keep it a tabboo subject and make it seem like we're all lunatics. The term "Conspiracy Theory" is being used, and we all know what kind of reaction people get when they hear those words.

    They are also straying away from the basic idea the people are waking up to, the idea that there is a political, industrial, and military complex that sort of governs the people of the world and makes the decisions for us, while engineering us to be completely unaware of their plan. Instead, they are parading these strange "spin off" conspiracies around, like the reptiles, the "Illuminati", ect...I don't particularly believe in any of those, I dont wan't to be associated with those ideas, but they want to brand us as all lunatics. BUT the idea of World Government is actually VERY practical as former presidents, political figures, and revolutionaries have been silenced for trying to expose it in the past. Those things immediately discredit those of us who have studied world government and the empire for years, and thats exactly what they want to do.

    Poll: 28 Percent of U.S. Believes Conspiracy Seeks World Government

    For example, O'Reily had Dennis Miller on this week and the two of them brought up the subject and pretty much just laughed and make joked about the subject. 100 million people out of 300 million believe in the New World Order, and they sit there and LAUGH at you. You know what that tells me? They are SCARED of you. They're very worried that this idea will spread, so they are trying to put water on the fire and poke fun at the idea before it can become a popular consensus.

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxP-2cdk6KQ]Dennis Miller Weighs In On New World Order & Obama Shooting Hoops On April 1 2013 - O'Reilly - YouTube[/ame]

    Maybe it's just me, but I think it's time to start a serious, thoughtful political discussion on the subject and decide for ourselves, not let THEM and the mainstream media decide for us.

  2. A third of Americans probably think a whole bunch of stupid shit.

    Waiting for concrete evidence of a global government being formed:


    George Bush uttering the words NWO in a vague context doesn't count as "evidence" in a philosophy 101 class, by the way.
  3. I saw them reporting on this kinda the other day.. They grouped it with people thinking that lizard men are really running things behind the scenes -_-
  4. Lol lizard rulers. What chance do we have to expose obvious truths such as 9/11 being an inside job and the existence of international banking cartels if "conspiracy theories" are associated with things like lizard rulers.

    More than half of this stupid shit like Illuminati and lizards is created by the ruling class to distract and confuse people.

  5. FDR mentions it too.
  6. JFK made a public speech about these secret societies, then he got silenced.
  7. I believe in the Illuminati theory to some extent. I believe the richest of the rich endorse and purposely cause wars, as well as manipulate people in developed countries into arguing over petty things and dividing people to cover their bases. I do believe they manipulate the music and video industry but not in a ridiculous way but more so in a way that makes people ignorant and distracts them from what they as a person can help make better. Hope this makes sense im at about a 7:smoking:
  8. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XH_34tqxAjA]Louis C.K. Asks Donald Rumsfeld If He Is A Lizard - YouTube[/ame]
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think David Icke started the whole reptilian theory? He's not from the ruling class but I'm sure has made a good amount of money off people who buy his reptilian books.
  10. I'm all for conspiracy theories, but fucking lizard people? lol come on..
  11. David Icke is a disinfo agent, he has us chasing after lizard men and makes us look like lunatics. The Illuminati and the NWO is real, you can see proof of this by looking at the power structures which are dominated by a secretive global elite. Research the Trilateral Commision and the CFR, the Fed was also a creation of JP Morgan.

    Take a look at this book for any skeptics, it spells out all the facts.
    http://library.mises.org/books/Murray N Rothbard/Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy.pdf
  12. This poll just shows how easily people are swayed by junk science, internet rumor and conspiracies. It doesn't prove that any of these things are true.
  13. doesnt mean its false either.

  14. Who claimed poll results were proof?
  15. #15 Jakobo, Apr 7, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2013
    I don't think that last poll's results added up correctly haha the one about vaccines. It only comes out to 71% ... What happened to rest of the voters?..conspiracy..


    Edit: first one also doesn't add up.

  16. Those are probably "not sure" voters.
  17. The u.n. is a global government. And it is a new world order.

    People talking about china vs. Us are retarded. Our governments play our peoples off against each other. Look at the money that changes hands between the two. There obvious collusion because how else are business deals done?

    The people of the world are fed a false reality to keep the group in charge secure in a power monopoly.

    Your being domesticated like farm animals and even deny it as conspiracy theories.

    Go ahead and wave the flag of ignorance and gullibility. Go along to get along, live a miserable life eating gmo, drinking aspartame soda/fluoridated water, taking vaccines, and goin to a slave mill artificial environment every day to trade your hours for fiat dollars that are hot off the printing press!

    Nah, no NWO.....

  18. That's where science and education comes in...

  19. So you think it's true then?
  20. #20 Tripace, Apr 7, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2013

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