Immortal Technique. An amazing East Coast rapper with awesome political overtones and lyrics. Some great music and even better knowledge.
yeah I heard about him I got downloaded one of his songs and it was tight it was called Jedi Mind Tricks bit I like Ill Bill better I got the song called Gangsta Rap its some tight shit
It gets so much better than that, bubs. Check out: "The 4th Branch" "The Point of No Return" "The Cause of Death" "No Mercy" I'd just like to say, that this guy IS on an indie lable and if you really like the music, you should look into purchasing a CD.
The one with Mos Def? Yeah I really like that. Very outspoken, just saying what everybody should know.
yeah man all his songs all the shit bush knocked down the towers EDIT he is the fuckin sht\it i woke up and said where did all thjese songs come from hahahha
Haha yeah man, the more you hear, the better he gets. His freestyling is hard to find, but is absolutley nuts!
I just started getting into good rap, some of it kicks ass atmosphere, mr. lif, madvillian/mf doom, a tribe called quest, immortal technique immortal technique is great, has some great lyrics.. so any advice on some other artists like the ones I mentioned?
ok causes of death You better watch what the fuck flys outta your mouth or ill hijack a plane and fly it into your house, burn your appartment with your family tied to the couch,and slit your throat so when you scream only blood comes out
Technique has always been one of my favorites. Harlem Streets, Revolutionary, and Positive Balance are a few good ones that haven't been mentioned. In da club is prolly his best freestyle. Starting to like jedi mind tricks and papoose a lot more, though. Everyone should check them out too. I think Papoose is just as good of an MC as technique.