Police Raid Parents’ Home for Teen’s Misdemeanor Pot Charge

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Liz_Lemon, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. I read this and it floored me, so I came to the forum to read the discussions on this, and I can't find anything. I searched every possible keyword. I apologize if this has ABP.


  2. piss's me off, Maryland needs marijuana reform soon its pretty bad here
  3. I can't believe it is a remotely plausible reason.
    Their adult son was popped with a joint in his car and that is valid reason to issue legal search warrant of their home?
    No way can that hold up.
    And then to enter a house with no known criminals, no prior criminal of violent activity on the premises, in an all out middle of the night, guns blazing raid.
    I really can't believe this can be condoned by anyone.
  4. Jesus, when is my state going to get reasonable..

    Back when Ehrlich was our Governor he made medical marijuana as an arguable defense in court and wanted to do more, but now we have O'Malley who only wants to open 2 new penitentiaries for non-violent criminals...

    Thank God I don't live in Carroll County.
  5. Welcome to America.

    How much of this shit are we gonna take? I'm asking myself this more than anyone else.

    I'm sick of unjust and illegal action taking place within my own country and nothing being done by those in charge to turn the tide. The waves keep rolling, but in the direction of somewhere we don't belong.
  6. Damn yo, thats kinda shit just makes my blood boil. Thats seriously fucked up on so many different levels. If they ever tryed to pull shit like that on me one of them would def get a load of buckshot before he comes into my home like that. Effing police state, wake up people!
  7. This country is sooooo fucked up . . . just yesterday i read on yahoo news an article about marijuana and if it was legalized, how much money the government would get from taxes . . . it would wipe out all debt . . .lol, there would be no "economic crisis" we would be filthy rich from the taxes on legal herb . . . lol
  8. That shit pisses me off, good thing i have that medical card :)
  9. Wow, just wow... I hope the state gets their fucking asses sued off.
  10. Welcome to Obama's police state. Yes we can imprison and tax the life out of you for no reason justifiable by anyone with half a brain cell in their head!
  11. #12 Liz_Lemon, Mar 15, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2009

    Dude, it happened before he was even inaugurated.
    If you are going to try to deliver such a big point, make it remotely credible.
  12. god damn i live in that county too. I gotta be carefyl about it. No smoking in the car.
  13. out of personal experiance, dont drive and smoke, or try not to even have it in the car. If you go buy it, drive it home and leave it there. The cops can get away with the most rediculous shit and can list anything as probable cause for searcing your car, including being nervous.
  14. Fuck the govt.
  15. You guys are buying this? Sounds like blatant propaganda to me
  16. sounds like the united state's legal system to me.
  17. Man, I hope anyone wanting to grow indoors without their parents knowledge takes this to heart..
  18. God dang...thats just saddening and maddening at the same time

    What are we coming to?
  19. Shocking to say the least, and for somone living in maryland, its time to be a little more discreet

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