Police find massive commercial grow in Dallas County - estimated 30,000 plants

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by uRbAnDieSeL*ATL, Aug 2, 2007.

  1. fukk, looks like its gonna be hella dry in the ark-la-tex for awhile. that sukks.
    heh thats only a couple hours from me, im surprised i didnt smell it lol.
  2. shit me thats a lot of plants :D
  3. This was about 20 minutes from my house... I drove by that field everyday during rushhour traffic... heh.

    From what I'm hearing, this LARGE batch was for export only. So people in the DFW area shouldn't be affected by this bust to terribly much.

    -Antwan L.
  4. lol holy shit a giant forest of mj
  5. well i just read that the DEA overestimated by 20,000 plants....... yeah so theres only just over 10,000 plants that was there


    why have a commercial growing field right near the interstate and near a bunch of businesses?

    i used to live in denton/lewisville area and i know for a fact dallas county and surrounding areas won't be dry. this is the 3rd major bust in the past 3 weeks in dallas county and everything is still good.
  6. Woah..how could you make money growing weed IN the US and exporting it!?!? What country could you make more on the product than here?
  7. I'm pretty sure it means they were exporting it to different states... Not countries :)

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