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Pointless thread

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by IgnoranceIsBliss, Nov 13, 2011.

  1. does anyone else hate it when someone calls the sweet MJ "pot":confused_2:
  2. *sight*.... these threads really don't add anything to The City. You're just making trash.
  3. I'm ok with "pot", I just don't like "dope".
  4. I hate it when people call weed "pot". Any other nickname besides "pot" and "dope" is fine by me
  5. Its just a name. Its better than smack or crank, isn't it?
  6. Theres so many of these threads! i'm really not arsed, although I hate when people call it a 'drug'. Negative connotations all over the shop.
  7. yeah, pot is one of the few names that i dont like hearing.
    i think its because i was raised with my mom bashing weed and she always called it pot

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