Pointless thread really...just to socialize.

Discussion in 'General' started by Pebbles314, Mar 4, 2009.

  1. So I'm VERY crossfaded right now....I mixed the all time favs, weed and alcohol. I drank a fairly large beer in less than a half hour [and i rarely ever drink] and then smoked a bowl of some great weed from back in the day. Shared the night listening to comedians and music, and smokin and drinking and screwing around with two of my best friends. Its been an amazing night and it just now ended at the peak of everyone's high so I'm actually trying to use my brain right now, simply because its a challenge and can keep me occupied and its really quite fun. I'm sitting in my room, crossfaded as hell, listening to Evanescence. I wanna know what other people are doing right now :D
  2. wth is crossfaded? being faded on two substances..?
    are you a female? i'll stop now if so. :)
  3. Yeah, I'm a chick. And yeah, crossfaded, as in under the influence of two mind-altering substances :D
  4. lol. word.
    yeah, im sittin' around eating codones & smokin' herbs. just chillin' on it.
    bout to load a kief bowl.. smoke it.. and probably laugh at something.
  5. Probably the best way to spend the night..... XD
  6. As of right now, i just smoked my last cigarette, Blazed and barred out. About to watch Yes man. Funny movie.
  7. i want to watch some new movies but hbo n shit just got cut until thursday. :O
    alls i have is shit i've seen over & over.

    sucks cause i wanted to watch nineteen eighty four on on demand. kqjehsah
  8. pirate or hulu.com

    That sucks about the HBO man. i haven't had cable in like 4 years. No need for it.
  9. Dude, I just saw Pineapple Express for the first time not that long ago...I dunno i think its kinda violent for a stoner movie...people get shot a lot but i loved it, made me laugh so much.
  10. Drinking a beer, listening to "Elect The Dead," and reading a few BBs
  11. Lol, 2 40's of bud light and some dank:).

    Lol you sound like a youngin :p
  12. More amphetamines within the past 40 hours; still no sleep, but the intake of food-nourishment has been taken care of; I continue my journey headfirst into the land of the Blitzkrieg drug.
  13. Browsing nets, coming down, listening to Alice in Chains. I can't get enough of them tonight.
  14. Well I'm about to load up a good sized personal resin bowl and take hits off that :D Should be a fun way to help me fall asleep on time for once...
  15. Well just started my Graphic Design Degree course, been loading a few bowls before each class, and needless to say, who has been having the best ideas and best marks? Yeah thats right, yours truly! :smoking:
  16. im slowly coming off a few vicodin and still kinda twacked on coffee. im fighting the urge to eat the last of my pills b/c i want to sleep soon but caffine is holding me back.
  17. I know what you mean about caffine holding you back i keep slamming 1 litre diet dew. and now i'm smoking a bowl of some nice mids. the smell and taste are very pleasant but the high is even better. Plus im pretty damn bored so thought i'd jump on and see what some other people were up to.

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