plz help.....urgent!!!!!!!!1

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by breezierolive, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. my cousins fuckin crazy dog went ape shit last nite and broke one of our plants its about 4 feet high. it broke about 2 inches from the bottom it happen last nite and i just checked it now and it was lying over but the plant was still goin up towards the sun , its not completely broken off just snapped it survived almost 2 days now what should i do.
  2. make some sort of cast for it.

    duct tape it.hopefully it'll live.

  3. Hey -

    If you use something to support it.... (sticks, medical tape, etc) and build a cast or splint for it it will be ok. Just leave it on and don't make it to tight. MJ is a strong plant and as long as it is not broken all the way thru it will usually surive!

    Kisses -
  4. i filled the pot up with dirt above where it broke and i put a stick to hold it up its been 3 days and its still doing good so i assume its going to be ok ?
  5. I agree with H B that make sure not too tight and check to make sure that the brace does not cut into stalk. You are right to bury the stem higher as well. I have destroyed one of mine, broke main stalk twice about 2/3 way through and it is still kickin, but a little behind the rest. You will get a knuckle looking growth where it heals, will set you back at least a week. good luck
  6. Does breaking the main stem tend to shock the plant and make it want to go hermi? If so you might want to watch for it. On of my females got damaged in a bad storm and cracked a little, now its starting to get little balls right at the top.
  7. is that true its already budding i hope it doesnt turn hermi .
  8. I have never seen a plant turn hermi from stress like this but would not discount it. Ussually you have to mess with light cycle and or soil to get hermi's, and also depends on if strain you are growing and same sex tendencies that it may contain in DNA. To be safe yeah keep an eye out but wouldn't worry that much in my opinion. Keep posted hopefully I won't be eating these words.

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