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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by m18, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. Im getting to the same exact high i was 2 days ago its so abnormal i feel like my vision is flickering and like im on the inside of my body. I can feel my heart beating through my chest. :eek::eek:
  2. Thats called anxiety.
  3. lmao :wave:
  4. You probably just smoked some dank bud. Listen to music you know you like, just lean back and chill. Let the music take you awaaayyyyy...good vibes man, good vibes
  5. ya listening to music watchin tv, later i love showering high :D
  6. my last stuff always had my vision in flickers, like lag on a video game.
  7. I love it so strange im scared to run out of this shit. :(
  8. Watch some South Park and chillll out

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