PLEASE READ! Unlucky story I'd like to share

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by dat49sthaze, Mar 23, 2009.

  1. So my birthday was on march 16...well on Saturday I had drank, woke up Sunday march 15 at 10 in the morning to go to the palisades mall with my mother aunt cousin and girlfriend. NOTE: I didn't go to bed until 6 am and was hung over as shit... All day at the mall I'm feelin diZzy and naseus an I even throw up my food. ...then later that night I go to bed wake up at 4 in the morning(march 16) with a pain in my stomach.. I got to the bathroom and attmpt to take a dump...I throw up and go back to bed ..I lay in bed for 2 hours in pain, and suddenly I realize that this pain is unusually painful and never felt it before. Then I noticed dat the pain was
    Concentrated on my right side by my navel. So I press down and it hurts tremendously. So I go to and look up appendicitis and the symptoms are that pain, vomiting constipation or diarrhea! I get nervous now. So I go to bed and wake up with the same pain. It's my birthday and im in bed with pain, so to play it safe and go to my doctor and he sends me to the hospital to get a catscan cause it seems to be in fact appendicitis. I get to the hospital at 6 pm get the catscan at 11 pm and then diagnosed with appendicitis at about 12 then got surgery. Now I'm taking it easy healing at home. But the point is dat it sucks because I spent my birthday in the hospital and it's was my 18th birthday. And I'll never get that day back it was supposed to be special because it was the big 18 my aunt and mother were preparing a delicious dinner for me and had a cake and evrything and I couldn't enjoy it makes me sad but atleast it wasn't cancer right?
  2. Appendicitis really wasnt that bad. happened to me in 8th grade, now I'm 18 almost 19. The only thing that i remember was the pain before the surgery, and the split second after surgery when they jerk out that catheder (OUCH!!!!!), also the next couple times you piss from that catheder.
  3. Well...Happy Birthday!
  4. sucks about your birthday bro. but its a lot better than cancer.

    good luck with the healing man!
  5. Hell yeah!! I was like oh shit now I got a urinary tract infection!? LOL shit burned and was mad chunky naaasty
  6. Why don't you just reschedule?

    Just because it was your birthday doesn't mean you can't celebrate it any other day. I understand that the unexpected trip to the hospital instead of having a good day was a drag, but you don't have to let that ruin it. Pick a day you have nothing to do and pack it full of shit you want to do and do it.
  7. my appendix exploded pretty bad a few years ago. Just before the surgery as they were injecting me with the knock out drugs and just to put the gas mask on me. When the fucking fire alarm went off. I was shit scared and i fell unconsious while it was still going off.

    I took my ages to recover and they took out the staples to early and i litreally had a inch wide hole looking into my stomach cavity for around 2months. scary shit put i pulled through in the end.

    Feel better man i know how shitty it is.
  8. oh shit man, i hear you on that. every christmas since coming out of being a baby into a child i spent every christmas until im 12 in the hostpital annually. literally, they knew me around there and everything. every christmas, its "***'s finally here.." or "hey *** usuall room?" the nurses were cool though. my grandfather had appedisitis. dont worry about it, just some surgery and your back in no time. celebrate your b day a little later! or i can bring u some fire crackers into the hospital :D
  9. That is a bummer. :(
  10. When I got my appendix removed, I just kept asking for morphine :D
  11. my birthday was the 14th, and i too got really hammered, but was only slightly hung over the next morning. turned 19 though not 18. pretty eventful night, ill be remembering that bday for a long time.
  12. Dude i dont know about you but when i had appendicitus it hurt like a fucking bitch. I got mine on christmas break when i was like 13. But sorry to the OP for getting it on his birthday.
  13. Yea i got mine taken out when i was in grade 7, the pain from the appendicitus wasnt that bad, but the pain after the surgery was awful. Aparently my appendix was alot higher up then most, right near my ribcage so the surgeons really had to get in there with there hands. my "1/2 inch scar" was really an inch and a half.
  14. Sorry to rain on your parade but birthdays haven't been a big deal since about...5th grade. I spent my 18th birthday standing for hours upon hours in an overly crowded line at a Jamaican airport. I was supposed to be home by 5pm and I didn't get to the Chicago airport until 11:52pm. I'd be more pissed about the appendicitis then I would about not doing anything fun on your birthday. At least they probably prescribed you oxycontin, since that was what my friend was prescribed for the same thing. If that had happened to me I'd be happy as hell. What better birthday gift than a couple RXs of oxycontin?

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