I would just like to let all of you know (in case you didn't already know...) there is not a single republican in recent history that has done ANY good for our country. If there has, please let me know because i am obviously missing something (although these perpetual conflicts that are wrongfully called wars and record-breaking after record-breaking deficits will not be considered helpful) john mccain will only give us another at least 4 years of bullshit. i do not care if you are voting for barack obama or not (though i am), just please, whatever you do, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND THE FATE OF HUMANITY DON'T VOTE FOR MCCAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/url][/IMG]
well would u rather have a president that has expirence, or some new guy? mcain has years of expirence in politics and in the military, while obama has months of politics
A couple quick things... Would you rather have a president that despite his years of experience couldn't figure out a computer? Would you rather have a president that seems war hungry? Would you like a president that seems to be the EXACT same guy as our former president(which most people agree was a bad choice)? I'm not trying to be all anti McCain here, I actually like how honest he is in some situations.. but still, the negative campaigning, using Hilary's words out of context, etc. Just not my cup of tea... Also since when did inexperience become a bad thing? I've found in my personal life inexperience can be a good way to figure out things in a different way. I'd also like to point out that if Obama picks half decent cabinet members this whole inexperience thing should just go out the window, that's what those guys are there for... to advise you because they have experience... Side note; Stoned Buddha, please stop saying thank you, when someone posts something you agree with.... If you agree with his point, that's great but if you have nothing to add or nothing to say in his defense if someone is attacking him than all your doing is pointless me tooism. Essentially attempting make his argument look stronger by just saying "I AGREE!!!!" I don't know why but it just reminds me of when I was 12, and someone would make a point and his friend would agree with him and the next thing I knew everyone agreed with everyone because someone basically said "You got back up." No disrespect at all though, I know you are very good in your defense of McCain and very eager to promote your point at every chance but I'm just saying there is no point in just agree to make his or your point seem stronger.
Frankly, some new guy. Politicians in general (including Obama) are douchebags that get corrupted by the system. They start caring more about their own political future than they do their constituents. I figure the longer you've been in the system the more corrupt you get, so a guy who's been tainted least is where my vote's going.
So essentially you are saying that we should pick our candidates based on their party, and not on their individual views/opinions? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I'll give you an example; Ron Paul is a Republican but has extremely different views than the "typical" Republican. Parties don't mean shit. If only a majority of people actually had reasoning behind their actions, the world would be a much better place.
Of course Biden said he wasn't ready when he was running against him. Can you think of any attack that's going to work better against a young upstart like Obama, regardless of its validity? I sure can't. The fact that people keep repeating it means it's an effective tactic, not necessarily that it's true. Honestly though I don't really understand people who cite this as a reason not to vote for Obama. I mean, what do you think he's going to do if elected? Just walk in the oval office and start shitting his pants/firing off nukes? He's not a stupid guy and he has had some political experience in the senate and in some recent trips abroad. Do you really think sitting five or ten more years in the senate would make that radical of a difference?
This is my greatest fear. At least if McCain shits his pants his nurse will be there to clean him up. I think you might have just saved this thread. lolz
[quote name='Mist425']Of course Biden said he wasn't ready when he was running against him. Can you think of any attack that's going to work better against a young upstart like Obama, regardless of its validity? I sure can't. The fact that people keep repeating it means it's an effective tactic, not necessarily that it's true. Honestly though I don't really understand people who cite this as a reason not to vote for Obama. I mean, what do you think he's going to do if elected? Just walk in the oval office and start shitting his pants/firing off nukes? He's not a stupid guy and he has had some political experience in the senate and in some recent trips abroad. Do you really think sitting five or ten more years in the senate would make that radical of a difference?[/quote] Yes because you have more experience in Washington and you know how things go you look and see how people respond to what political event is going on. You know how to learn and react to a national crises. I don't think Obama will react well to a national crises or lets say a Russia invading a Georgia or a Russia invading Ukriane, or worse an Iran attacking Isreal. I just don't think he will respond the best or how he is supposed to whether being too passive or aggresive. Why do you think he got Biden? because he needed help.
Watching the news, they were just showing pictures of the stage set that Saint Barack The Most Merciful will make his entrance from for his speech at invesco park. Has anyone else seen this monstrosity? Its set up like a cross between the white house and the Parthenon. Its huge, he enters between the columns and walks on to a circular stage that raises up in the air so hes above the crowd for all to see, it reminds me of when Chancellor Palpatine informs the senate of the Jedi plot to over throw the Republic in episode 3. Anyhow, it just seems to be on a pretty grand of a scale for a man who is just like the common folk. Wonder how much corporate donations it cost to build it. Is it just me or does Biden seem like Leo Fortunato to Obama's Carpathia. Fuckin weird man. Sorry Just a stoned thought.