Platapinebeartles. (I think I'm crazy)

Discussion in 'General' started by Kalect, Nov 15, 2006.

  1. I just had a dream that was incredibly weird. I was sitting in the woods with a bow, hunting the strangest animal... it was terrifying.... and it also happened to be immune to my arrows and chase me when I shot them....

    The crazy part is the animal, which I have dubbed the Platapinebeartle.

    It had a Platapus bill, was covered in porcupine spines, weighed about 700 pounds, had the body of a bear, and had a turtle shell that was also covered in porcupine spines, but could be easily removed without harming the thing....

    I um....I think I might need psychiatric help.
  2. i know those things. one lives under my basement stairs.

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