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Plastic bottle + glass bowl and downstem safe?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Burrito Wizard, Oct 31, 2017.

  1. Alright so I know this question is going to sound quite Billy-ish but hear me out. I've never owned a bong and while I could just order one they're a bit pricey (especially in comparison to my idea) and it's fun to build something of your own.

    With that out of the way, in your opinion if I took a plastic bottle and put a glass downstem and glass bowl into it would that be harmful to use? I could make this for about 5 dollars compared to at least 50 for a decent glass bong and if I can safe 10x the money why not? (unless of course it's dangerous to do)
  2. The main concern is not heating the plastic up to a melt point.
    As long as your design observes this caution, you should be fine.
    (Yeah, I had to look twice at who authored this thread, LOL).

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  3. u can get a better bong for 10-20$ online.
    but if you do go this route then yes its just as safe as any plastic bottle bong.
    plastic bottle's not gonna hurt u more than the smoke itself.

    "fuckin way she goes" hell yeh TPB, rip lahey
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  4. Alright thanks blades. That's basically what I was thinking. The downstem would go straight into the water with no contact to the plastic and I'd probably even throw in icecubes for extra cooling. For a temporary thing it could be fun I guess.
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  5. [​IMG]
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  6. i wrap a small piece of wet paper towel around the metal and plastic stem to avoid melting too easily.
  7. Makeshift devices give you +12 MacGuyver creativity points and makes up for plastic companies selling us garbage. Recycle, re-use and reduce!
    • Creative Creative x 1

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