plants drooping a lot after lights out

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Z1990, May 27, 2019.

  1. sorry this is kinda a double I accidentally posted my thread and marijuana stash box I meant to put it here so if one of the moderators can delete the other one would be appreciated cuz I don't know how to do it myself or know if I can. Anyway my plant started drooping at night after lights out anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours after lights go out and this is just been since I started using an HID HPS 400 watt light I think it's because the temperature is Skyrocket during the day with the light then when the light goes off to us the color night time temperature bring the temperature down too much too fast and shocks them I could be wrong though. Is this something I should worry about? Because they always come right back when that light comes on and it warms up usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour and their perk right back up only thing I'm really worried about is that stress of that temperature drop causing me some hermaphrodite issues down the road also just started 12/12 lights a week ago entreated neem oil last night to repel stink bugs those motherfukers piss me off so bad I get off every time that I dropped one of those bastards a cup of soapy water and watch it drown
  2. When my lights go out the humidity almost doubles and the temp drops. I try to keep mine around 70° - 80°f. If your temps are changing more than 10 degrees it will stress your plant. Peroxide helps kill bugs and eggs without harming your plant as long as you flush after. Also if you watch time lapse videos you will be happy to know a wilting plant at night is a natural part of the cannabis plants life.
  3. Totally normal.

    And no, they're not sleeping.

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