Planting the seed after germination

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Jambeck, Jun 14, 2018.

  1. The only place I can grow my weed seeds is in the forest... Will the sunlight reach the seed if I plant it right after germination. I cant grow it in my backyard or house so the forest is the only option. Some people were saying on Reddit that it wont be able to reach the soil for it to grow. Can anyone help me out with this issue?
  2. This is not directly in a forest where trees are covering the sun Its beside a field with wheat growing from it and some trees and plants.
  3. Try digging a shallow hole with your finger in the soil and planting your seed directly in it. That would make for it reaching the soil an irrefutable fact.

    Also as long as it is positioned where light can reach through the canopy of the forest to your seedling when it sprouts, then everything will be fine.

    Just be careful and watch for critters whom may possibly want to munch on your plants like a good salad.

    Good luck.
  4. Thank you

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