Planted my first plant

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by xThunderboltx11, Feb 20, 2018.

  1. #1 xThunderboltx11, Feb 20, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2018
    Day 1 - I bought a gram of weed at a dispensary near my house and I found a seed, I was pleasantly surprised since I have been buying weed there since last July and hadn't found a seed in the weed, and I had some seeds I bought from a British website confiscated by customs. I planted the seed in some soil, and after a day the seed hadn't sprouted, so I put it in a cup of water for about 18 hours and the root popped out so I put it back in the soil. After a day the seed sprouted.


    Day 2 - I took this picture this morning, the plant curled a bit. I think it might be because there might be too much water in the soil. I don't think it's an issue but I'll be keeping a close eye on the plant and make any adjustments I think might help. I put the plant near a window to try to evaporate some of the water.


    Day 3 - I'm using a bowl to grow my plant, and I was using another bowl as a cover to increase the humidity, I just turned the bowl upside down and poked some holes in it lol. I removed the cover to help the soil dry faster. I also manually removed the shell with some twigs I found in the soil. My plant straightened out a bit.


    Day 4 - My plant grew a bit, not much change today. I mixed a banana into the soil when I planted the seed that began to mold, so I turned the soil until the banana and mold dissipated into the soil.


    Day 5 - I peeled the layer between the shell and the leaves with my finger. My plant grew a bit more and the leaves are beginning to open up.


    Day 6 - My plant grew a bit more and the leaves began to grow. I started using the cover again to try to increase the humidity.


    Moving my thread to the grow journals
    Planted my my first plant
  2. The first mistake was digging it out of the soil after 1 day because it didn't sprout... They can take over a week to sprout, and even then there is no reason to dig it up, it either germinates or it doesn't.

    And yes, whether it's due to you watering too often, or because you didn't add perlite to your soil, over watering is killing it. Just let the soil dry out well before watering, there's still a chance it could make it.
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  3. Thanks, I removed the cover I was using to try to increase the humidity, and I think it helped the plant straighten out
  4. My plant grew a bit. I think the fact that my plant hasn't grown completely straight yet might be a very serious issue. Hopefully everything turns out okay.
  5. Got a pic of it from today?
  6. Yes

  7. A little concerning that the cotyledons still haven't opened up. Can we get a closer+focused pic from a different angle? There may be a thin membrane left over from the inside of the shell, wrapped around the first set of leaves, preventing them from opening. If so, it may be taking too much energy to pull it apart. Or this could not be the case...

    What kind of soil is this? It looks very grimy/woody... I use at least 30% perlite added to my ProMix right from the start. You can help support the stalk by gently surrounding it with some more soil. I have a feeling it will keep stretching until the leaves open, which will use up a bunch more energy and make it more difficult to support itself.

    While we're at it, what is your temp+humidity?
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  8. This guy has a7 video tutorial on growing it’s how I got started before coming here to GC
  9. [​IMG]
  10. Does the bowl it's growing in have drainage holes in it?
    What kind of soil is that?
    Too much love will kill it.

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