Why is my plant so small im using miracle grow soil and mg plant food. 4 85 watt 6500k clfs. 2 gallon pot. Sent from my SGH-T999 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
[quote name="mmman" post="19430288" timestamp="1391027852"]Have you fertilizer that girl?[/quote]What do you mewn fertilize?Sent from my SGH-T999 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Miracle Grow as is is way to hot for marijuana plants. And if you're feeding it in addition to the time release nutes, it's just going to make it worse. To be honest I would scrap it and try again in some kind of Fox Farm soil. Ocean Forrest and/or Happy Frog work fantastic with some perilite mixed in. That thing should be ten times bigger than it is by now. I like the set up though man, gotta start somewhere! Happy Growing!
[quote name="mmman" post="19430497" timestamp="1391029816"]Have you given her any ferts?[/quote]No just plant food mixed with waterSent from my SGH-T999 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
[quote name="Toffer" post="19430402" timestamp="1391028818"]Miracle Grow as is is way to hot for marijuana plants. And if you're feeding it in addition to the time release nutes, it's just going to make it worse. To be honest I would scrap it and try again in some kind of Fox Farm soil. Ocean Forrest and/or Happy Frog work fantastic with some perilite mixed in. That thing should be ten times bigger than it is by now. I like the set up though man, gotta start somewhere! Happy Growing![/quote]So should i get new soil and just give it straight water i also gave it MG food spikesSent from my SGH-T999 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
A typical noob mistake is to grow in huge pots. What that does is the plant cant drink all the water so it stays wet and stunts the plant.
[quote name="snoopdog6502" post="19430527" timestamp="1391030094"]A typical noob mistake is to grow in huge pots.What that does is the plant cant drink all the water so it stays wet and stunts the plant.[/quote]should i replant?Sent from my SGH-T999 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
You should go read some organic grow journals. Theres lots of good info over there. And ditch that miracle grow shit. Sent from deeznutz using Grasscity forum app
I would let it grow and water it very little till it gets growing. plant 4 more seeds in solo cups and watch how fast they grow and will pass that one up. Potting down does not do too well, you think its stunted now who knows what you will get. You can try, make sure the soil drain well.
[quote name="snoopdog6502" post="19430591" timestamp="1391030678"]I would let it grow and water it very little till it gets growing. plant 4 more seeds in solo cups and watch how fast they grow and will pass that one up.Potting down does not do too well, you think its stunted now who knows what you will get. You can try, make sure the soil drain well.[/quote]Sent from my SGH-T999 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
What? That's not true. The mistake is whether said noob is over/under watering. If your soil has good drainage the size of the pot matters very little compared to how and how much you water.
[quote name="mmman" post="19430640" timestamp="1391031230"]That is ferts, is in not? snoop, get in here and straighten this out while I go toke my one-hitter. [/quote] its miracle grow all purpose plant food i also uaing plant spikesSent from my SGH-T999 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
[quote name="mmman" post="19430669" timestamp="1391031792"]Man, you're bombing that girl, she's going to be sick for a while.[/quote] what do i do ):Sent from my SGH-T999 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
[quote name="mmman" post="19430669" timestamp="1391031792"]Man, you're bombing that girl, she's going to be sick for a while.[/quote]what is 20-20-20Sent from my SGH-T999 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I don't know man? If I tell you to flush, it's reported that those time release nutes in the mix will activate, coupled with the fact that you have added additional nutes, your screwed (just kidding), snoopdog should get in here, because I remember conversing with him once and he said he's used Miracle Gro, I haven't, so if he can't advise, I'll get back to you on what I'd do. Where you at, snoop?