Plant disposal

Discussion in 'Security' started by BurbanIntrovert, Jul 13, 2016.

  1. Mulch pile.
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  2. Drive out in the country and toss them in the ditch
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  3. Compost pile or in the fire bin all the left over soil mixed into raised beds or mixed with potting soil for the flower pots along with a dose of cannazyme
  4. Worm bin or just hack it all up and lay it down as a top dressing in no-till pots.
  5. Cut them up and toss in a couple of bags of other unidentifiable trash and take them to a landfill .
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  6. Newbie here.

    Why do you have to take so much care disposing of the left overs? I was just going to toss mine in our green waste bins (in Australia, we have bins soley designated to green waste)

    would i be better off bagging them and tossing them out with the standard trash?

    What's the difference? Can your grow really be traced from the tip?

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