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Places online to get B Wilson clear glass screen slides?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by slank, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. #1 slank, Mar 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2012
    Australia here.

    Yeah, so I haven't been able to find 'B. Wilson - Clear Disc Screen Slide - 18 mm' anywhere other than bluelaboratorysystems (ya dig? censors out ***). It's $30 and to post it here costs $33.95 (no thankyou). I've e-mailed them asking if there's is any other way to get around the postage price and I'm waiting for them to get back to me. So does anyone know of anywhere else where these guys are sold?

  2. That was my suggestion. I have a nice local head shop that has a good amount of scientific slides. Toro IP, BC glass IP, my brand new star Ben Wilson. So my advice would be either shop around you, tons of different great flowing slides Ben Wilson's aren't the only ones. Or wait it out till you want to get a big purchase from aqua lab so the postage doesn't cost more than what your ordering.
  3. [quote name='"slank"']Australia here.

    Yeah, so I haven't been able to find 'B. Wilson - Clear Disc Screen Slide - 18 mm' anywhere other than bluelaboratorysystems (ya dig? censors out ***). It's $30 and to post it here costs $33.95 (no thankyou). I've e-mailed them asking if there's is any other way to get around the postage price and I'm waiting for them to get back to me. So does anyone know of anywhere else where these guys are sold?


    That's honestly not THAT bad to get that bowl to you...My lhs has these slides marked at $50, and you live in Australia...I would just get it from aqua as you won't find them much cheaper bc of where you live. If not, see if High Priority has any for cheaper. Good luck!
  4. you have to buy lots of shit at one time. Only way to save on postage.
  5. Yeah I thought about suggesting High priority but figured it would be about the same anyway.
  6. I just checked high priority and it's $40+ for postage.....the pacific ocean sucks
  7. The 30 or whatever from aqua lab really isnt horrible man. I'm about to pay $25 for shipping directly from a glass blower to ship across the U.S.

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