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Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by guidance51x, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. I baked a pizza a few days ago and noticed the little oil on the cheese and I thought, since THC is fat soluble, and that oil is most likely fat, isn't it somehow possible to bake pizza with weed? I have no idea which is why I ask. But combining 2 of the greatest things in the world seems like an epic experiment worth trying. Any ideas?
  2. i guess you can put your weed under the cheese and bake it,but it seems like such a waste of weed.i would just smoke the weed then eat the pizza,but thats just me:smoking:

  3. Deff!:p
  4. im plottin on this shit its sounds like dam good idea:smoking:
  5. Of course you can you could use cannabutter in the dough since theres a fat in it and bake it right up.
  6. Marijuana-Laced 'Happy Pizza' Taken off the Menu in Cambodia | Slice Pizza Blog

  7. ha ha,cool i guessed right :D

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