Pizza Hut...

Discussion in 'General' started by Bob5, Aug 25, 2007.

  1. Hey I was just wondering if pizza hut drug tested you when you get hired there??? I wouldn't think they would but i just want to be sure. Any help would be appreciated... Thanks

  2. Everybody tokes at pizza places.

    I work at a pizza place in which 80% of the people who work there toke, including both of the managers and the owner. Recently a local Domino's got busted when a health inspector found a bag of weed in the bathroom... of course everybody had to get drug tested and only 4 people passed. :smoking:

    During closing all we do is smoke blunts (in the store) and gamble. Hell, we've even made gravity bongs from the water jugs. :bongin:
  3. True that. My Domino's owner is a toker, and I am friends with his son, and we toke up all the time.
  4. hell yeah, the food service industry is all stoners, I've hot boxed a walk-in fridge with my boss before.
  5. This is why food is good. Everyone is blazed off their asses cooking shit.

    I worked at a restaurant for like 4 months, always assumed but found out for sure that almost everyone there is a huge smoker. This one girl even told me 4 managers came to her high school graduation and get crunked hahahaha they're like 35-40 too
  6. at Pizza Hut they do. If you don't fail the then you won't get hired :smoking:
  7. Thanks guys! Has anybody here actually worked for pizza hut? It's a big corporation which is why i thought they might test me after my interview or whenever i got hired...
  8. not when i got hired 7 months ago.
  9. i think its up to regional mangagers, or maybe the franchise owner.
  10. I want a pizza baad

  11. if i still delivered pizza
    and live in your city...

    i would deliver u a pizza and sell u a nickle bag of funk at the same time.
  12. I always thought it was rude not to tip the delivery guy for a bong hit, but I never did :rolleyes: opps
  13. im not impressed with pizza huts pizza
    PAPA johns is where its at
  14. Dominoes Brooklyn
  15. Most the pizza i get around here isn't from a chain, heh... the mass produced stuff gets kinda eh.
  16. If by "eh" you mean "fucking delicious"

  17. After spending the past couple years working as a baker, I'm too spoiled on stuff being fresh.
  18. Damn..I want Pizza Hut now.
  19. ahh, pizza hut guys? cmon now, pizza hut ain't a thing.
    double daves pizza and gattis a distant second...haha but shit, thats just preference.

    Anyway, yeah I worked at doubledaves instore and the drivers would always smoke me out before they left...then at close I'd return the favor. It was pretty kick ass. Not everyone smoked but there was no drug test and most people did. No one cared anyway. Good luck wiht pizza hut...the pizza industry is the best food insdustry to smoke in...

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