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Pissed off

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Dylan Tokes, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. So a few months ago me and my friend decided to go halves on a bong (big mistake). We agreed to keep it at his house since we smoke there all the time and it would be safest.

    Well a few days after the purchase, i accidentally broke it, and i felt obligated to purchase a brand new 230 bong because of it.

    Now, my friend decided that he was gonna stop smoking. So of course, im gonna ask if i can keep the bong at my house. He is telling me no because other people like to use it and its safer then it being at my house (not true).

    I don't know how to really react to this. I'm really angry because I've spent so much money paying for it and now he wont even let me fucking have it. He was my best friend, but everytime i try to chill with him he never hits me back up. So i cant even use the bong.

    I want to confront him, but i feel awful about it since well he was my best friend. And since he payed half of it im not really sure what i can do really.

    So what does GC feel i should do in this situation. If it was 100% mine id have no problem confronting him about it. But since its technically half and half im not really sure what to do.
  2. Buy him out. :smoke:
  3. I texted him about it and honestly hes just being a scumbag. Damn this sucks
  4. Hope you learned your lesson, never go 50 50 in a business deal.
  5. He wont though because in his mind since its always at his house its "his", and knows its worth much more then that. I'm so mad.
  6. He was my best friend for 5 years... thought it wouldn't turn out this way obviously.
  7. Tell him the one you went half on broke. The new one you paid for yourself, so it's yours.
  8. Sooo your paying for other people to smoke out of it?? That's some bull. There's other ways of smoking herb his friends can use.

  9. doesn't make it his... he broke it so if he didn't break it they went half and half
  10. #10 MrxNiceGuy, Jan 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2013
    That blows dylan that kids a douche bag.

    Heres what you do. You say i could care less about your friends using the bong i payed for. I payed over $300 and i cannot use it and your not using it so im coming to your house to get it now your not fucking me in the ass see you soon.

    Hes blowing you off because for whatever reason he decided to not be your friend anymore. Hes dicking you over big time. He doesnt consider you a friend any longer.
  11. You should take the bong and give him his half of the money he paid for it. Simple as that.

  12. Lay down the law for him. All he deserves is the 50% of the original cost. He doesn't smoke anymore and has no reason to keep it. You being an original partner have first option to purchase. His wanting to keep it at his house is a control thing and it has come top the point were you don't even get visitation rghts.

    Or since he is bong blocking you, he may give you the half cost. Let's see if he wants to pay for a bong he is "allegedly" no longer using. :smoke:
  13. Well, would you rather be pissed on or pissed off?
  14. Yeah honestly its fucked up. Its sad you can really trust anyone these days to do the right thing.
  15. That was probably the dumbest thing i ever heard.
  16. How old is he? He seems very childish.

  17. dumbest thing i ever heard is going half and half with your buddy on a bong
  18. I am not a violent person though. Espically since he was once my best friend. I could never bring myself to hit him, maybe im just to soft. But yeah i offered him the other 100 so lets see what he says.
  19. Just make sure you get the bong back, and not give him the money too. Lol. Just making sure you know that. But, you need to go over there, ask for the bong you paid for and give him his half of the money. Like, literally go over there wherever he is.
  20. Your right, it was dumb. But wtf is your problem go troll somewhere else.

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