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pipe screen turns colour?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 2hazed, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. Hey blades, i figure this is a bit of a noob question so i'll toss it out here. I just got a new metal pipe from my LHS, my old one was getting pretty gunked up. I put a brand new screen in, tried to take a hit, but got like a weird metalish taste, no smoke. i opened up the top of the pipe and the place where the flame must have hit turned a dark blueish colour, with a purple ring around that, and like a yellowish ring around that. Am i overthinking this, or is that a bad sign? I never really noticed anything like that with my other one. any help appreciated, thanks
  2. Normally you are supposed to burn the metal the coating off the metal screen before using it. Don't panic, if you only did it once right? If you make it a regular habit, it may have bad affects on your health.

    Why not just buy a glass green? So much more better, and price wise not much of a difference.

  3. yeah just the one time, so basically just put the flame to the screen till whatevers on there burns off?

    I like the metal screen for the metal pipe because i only use it for hash, a glass screen would let too much hash fall through i think.
  4. Yeah, just burn it off first.

    Ever try a hash bong? How about a knife hit? Did I hear hash in a grav bong :hippie:.

  5. yes please :D

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