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Pigstick's pig-tip of the day

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by pigstick, Sep 4, 2009.

  1. When you pack a bowl and need to go somewhere with it, take a small square of cellophane saran wrap and put it over the bowl. It'll keep your bud in the bowl and all you gotta do to get ready for toking later is unwrap, light, and inhale.

    I find it useful for when I'm going to the park and don't want to bring all my shit. Just grind up my herb, stick it in the pipe, saran wrap it, and stick it in my pocket. :yay:
  2. Great idea, I might try this next time and leave my grinder at home.
  3. Such a simple idea that I never even thought of. I used to try rubber banding a quarter on top of the bowl and that didn't really work out, thanks for the tip!
  4. If you're doing something like this and need to get a really secure seal I suggest taking any type of tape, then putting a piece sticky side up on top of the bowl. Then taping over that and around it with more tape, sticky part down this time.

    I did this when I had a trip to algonquin park to camp out and took my bubbler and pipe, packed 2 bowls for the road and threw them in the console of my vehicle. No water in the bubbler by the way.. ha.
  5. thats a pretty nice idea...i hate it when i put the bowl in my pocket and i lose some of the bud
  6. thats wat i do. i have a peice of seran wrap and a rubber band.
  7. Good idea, never thought about doing this. I'll start doing it.
  8. I'd rather just bring the bud in a little baggy and break it up when im ready to smoke it. If you can smoke a bowl, you can pack a bowl right before it.

    If I'd rather have everything all set and ready to go, I just throw the bud in my dugout one-hitter. Works nicely.
  9. Hm, the weed doesn't stick to the wrap when you take it off? I haven't tried this yet but I'd just imagine that tiny bits of plant matter would be prone to sticking to the plastic...

    But yeah, I agree with Stoner420Chick, I just bring the baggy with me and crumble it when I'm at my smoking spot.
  10. Good idea, I do this with tissue paper sometimes.
  11. A tiny bit of weed does stick to the saran wrap, but nothing to fret about.
  12. yea if u can smoke u prob have time to break up the bud for the bowl too. plus u are then forced to only smoke 1 bowl.
  13. +rep, awsome idea. I cant tell you how many bowls Ive spilled trying to carry a bowl w/ weed and then driving around w/ it in car.

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