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Picking off fan leaves during flowering???

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by My_hydro, Apr 29, 2016.

  1. Okay so I am currently running an experiment with two of my plants. Both the same strain and age. About 10 days or so into flowering I removed 70% of the big fan leaves on plant one and didn't touch plant two. Incredibly after 4 days or so since doing this the buds on the plant I removed the leaves from are now twice as big as the other plant with the exception of the top cola's. Anyone know why this could be? I could only guess that now that these leaves are gone the buds are receiving much more light. I've done some research and almost everyone says not to pick leaves but so far it seems to be benefiting the plant. Anyway has anyone tried this and what results did they get. I'll update on my experiment weekly but so far I'm stunned at how two plants that looked the same a few days ago are now much more different.
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  2. I just went and took another gander but it appears the top cola on the defoliated plant is slightly larger. The big difference in this method seems to be coming from the mid to lower bid sites that have impressively grown larger than the plant with its fan leaves. I did however notice that the plant with the fan leaves grew a bit taller. Take notice I only removed the giant leaves on the main branch.
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  3. Did you take pics and stuff? You should drop em. I'm interested to see the progress

    "The world is in your hands,
    Mine are in the dirt."
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  4. I have not yet but I will once I get time. I wish I would have taken before pictures but it's less than a week into the experiment so I should get pictures.
  5. My main concern are the overall result of this. So far I would say this method is fantastic but like I said this is less than a week in. I'm not so sure it will be good the entire way through. But there is clearly much more growth on the bud sites of the defoliated plant.
  6. Still no pics whats up?
  7. Trying to take them right now
  8. These pictures just don't do it justice cause I need to remove the plants and have them standing alone but as you can see the defoliated plant has buds left and right and the plant with leaves most the buds are hiding under the leaves. But size is about double on the defoliated plant.

    Attached Files:

  9. Wrong picture. Damn it
  10. Looks good...ive tryd this same thing b4 in got good results too.i think u just have to b careful removing too leave yurs alone now(my opinion).n b careful with yur humidity.try getting closer to 40%
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  11. I've grown a lotttttt of plant in my time and I do the same to mine too depending on the strains. Those big fan leaves are to get the plant rooted and upward growth at the same time because it takes a lot of energy for plants to do both. That's why they have growth spurts. Also, you ply need them long enough to create photosynthesis for the whole plant the by budding time they can be a light instructor to lower bud sites. That's also why more smaller leaves form later when 12/12 is induced. Just be careful and don't take them too early or it can affect your yield and potency. Hope that helped. Stay Green

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  12. Just to give everyone an update. I tried to do pictures but it's tough to get good ones of the plant with the fan leaves. I'm able to inspect them by moving leaves and looking at buds in person and don't want to take 20 pics right now. So defoliating in this situation still seems to be the better choice. All the leaves under the fan leaves looked a bit rough on the day I did this but now all of those under leaves look healthy and the buds in fact seem to be growing at a much faster pace. As of now all buds are atleast double if not more in size than the plant I did not touch. The other main thing is the leaves I did not take off the defoliated plant have improved in health and look 100% now. I think having these buds in the light makes a huge deal deference instead of hiding under the fan leaves.
  13. Good luck,hope it keeps going good for u.i had same results yur explaining last turn around i do some with u but i just have bunch of babies at moment cause of cops in ohio,ha
  14. Still waiting on some pics lol.

    "The world is in your hands,
    Mine are in the dirt."
  15. Hydro nxt time u do this (im assuming u will since it wrkd for u)try lst too.n then lolypop the bottom wrks the best trust me
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  16. Another update. Buds on defoliated plant are now 3x the size and the non defoliated plant. Said to hell with it and defoliated all of my plants cuz the results are real. Defoliating seems to speed things up. Even the top cola grew larger.
  17. Still no pics....

    "The world is in your hands,
    Mine are in the dirt."
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  18. No. Not doing pics cause the plant I didn't defoliate was covered in fan leaves so it was very difficult to do the comparison. Since then I've defoliated all of my plants except one and I swear on my mother the plant I did not defoliate has had the least amount of bud development. As of now it seem like it's a week and a half behind the rest. The first plant I defoliated seems to be almost a week ahead of the rest.

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