Hey Blades! I'll be runnin' the monthly contest for trikky this time, and I'm going with a Photoshopped Milkshot of the Month contest! This is the discussion thread, feel free to ask questions or discuss the contest. Submissions go in the submission thread.
I messed up when I made the original thread. Sorry for any confusion. The submission thread will be open for one week, until the 24th of February.
My birthday! Gah, I think I'll be too busy to get a good shot up... especially since I'd have to borrow a piece to get a really good shot.
Sweet. That for running the show, JD. I really appreciate it. Gonna have to bring my A game if I even want to be competition in this one!
Thanks And thanks whoever liked mine, I was rippin that same roor with my friend, a g of beasters. Got high as shit and just kept going, glad you all like!
man if i had photoshop on my computer id have to enter, but i can't even use photoshop never used it in my life.
damn this contest is filling up fast. ill have mine in a day or two. but these are some nice entrys so far.