Photoperiod Question.

Discussion in 'Gardening' started by Cyllas, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Hey fellow gardeners.
    So, as we all know the photoperiod for marijuana flowering is 12/12.
    Most vegetables and fruits (and really most garden plants that I want to grow) need "Full sun" which is *at least* 6 hours of direct sunlight per day..."at least 6 hours" is ambiguous as hell, does that mean they can go 24/0 and produce vegetables or fruit?
    Does this mean that most vegetables will grow just fine in a marijuana flowering room? (If, of course, the temp of 70-75 is okay for the vegetable.)
    Also im a little confused about how photoperiods work for, will a carrot produce a carrot in 12/12? or do they need a specific photoperiod?
    I know that many strawberries are "day-nuetral" plants, which is the equivalent to an autoflower. but what about stuff like cabbage, beans, tomatoes, radish and stuff like that.
    Thanks in advance,

  2. Veg that is usually ripe in the middle of the summer will most likely be completely unaware of the photoperiod. And veg and certainly many fruits that are ripe in the autumn will most likely be photoperiod sensitive. Many autumn berries like blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and many others are effected by the dark hours. Some plants are triggered in to fruiting by the temperature, these usually flower early on in the summer, strawberries and I think grapes do this 

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