Phos deficiency? Too late to check...

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by MajorToker, Jul 6, 2017.

  1. I'm showing phos defficiency...i think. Any input is welcome. Is it too late to check at this point? Don't want to do more damage trying to fix it.

    I have been running my room on the cool side while waiting for spider mite hunters to arrive. It's such a minimal infestation that I don't think they're affecting the plants yet but who knows...thanks in advance
  2. Where are the beautiful pics Dude? GFP

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  3. #3 MajorToker, Jul 6, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2017
    Lol I totally forgot... 14993540174111376143173.jpg 14993540462341972765442.jpg

    Flowers look good

    Afghan cow

    Skywalker OG
  4. Your looking good dude .I see a burnt leaf and another that didn't like the flavor of the pottasium that morning.but over all your on track.nice work. GFP

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  5. Yah i think we over worry at times. I had an a.c. vent blowing a little close to my container.

    I fixed a problem of low mineral content recently as well.

    Lol every time you get a nice bud shot there's a piece of hair or as you can see those damn spider mites lower left on The Skywalker. I hope they enjoy because they'll be sucking on spinosad and getting man handled by spider mite hunters before long.
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  6. How much bone meal was added to the mix and when?
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  7. #7 MajorToker, Jul 7, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2017
    That's what I'm rethinking in my next mix. I know neem seed provides some but not enough. I like your mix. Nothing fancy. Its what i ran when i was growing in high school. It kicked ass

    I added a little triple phos. I was very careful. Maybe 3 TBS over the whole container. Where is its source in Coots mix
  8. IDK Perhaps that's why I never gave that mix much thought. No bone, no lime? Perlite not even mentioned for a third aeration choice? That's 3 things that my mixes ALWAYS include. That and I don't mess much with 'designer amendments' that are both costly and usually must be shipped when I can source old school, locally and cheap.

    I do get my kelp meal and neem cake online, in bulk, but that's pretty much the extent of it. Everything else is local.

    Now, I'm sure to get flamed for saying I was way less than impressed with Coot's and MOFO's mix.Hope it worked well for them.
  9. I can see that but dog you have your own recipe. Most people have no clue where to begin. I wouldn't in a container. I never thought to mix in high school. I think I made a blood meal tea without knowing it was a thing. I was a top dress guy.

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