Philosophy is the root of all evil.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by njhippie, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. Maybe I'm just a little too stoned but sometimes I think we should be more like animals. They don't philosophize. But then we would be confined to live in the forest and shit which would suck. :smoking::smoking::smoking:
  2. So ok, I was a little high and I still am but seriously...

    Philosophy leads to religion which leads to hate, discrimination and war. Could philosophy be the root of all thats evil?
  3. you really could connect anything to evil, but saying thinking is the root of all evil is ridiculous,

    i believe the desire for power is the root of all evil.

    but philosophy is the root of a lot of things, good and bad, you just have to decide how to use the things you think of,

    idk if any of this makes sense

    and about the living in the forest thing, i plan on doing that when i get older, in the forest i will do much philosophy which will hopefully lead to some kind of enlightenment
  4. i think your philosophizing about philosophy :p haha

    i don't think all philosophy is bad, but i do see what your saying.
  5. About the forest: I love it too. Great for smoking or hiking, very peaceful. I just wouldn't want humanity to revert back to animal living as a whole which might happen if we all started thinking like animals (like no philosophy.)

    About the root of all evil: True but maybe the desire for power is part of human nature. People have always wanted to be the king, the boss, the best etc. Throw money into the mix and there will always be billionaires ruling the world. Maybe we can't stop it.
  6. evil and good are duality, creations of the human mind, and do not exist.

    However, yes, philosophy is very self defeating, and philosophizing, especially on topics that cannot be answered by the mind, causes great suffering. The quantum leap from mind-consciousness to pure consciousness occurs from the being, from letting go, from NOT philosophizing.
  7. I agree with all of that except that good and evil are real in a way. You couldn't say that a violent murder or rape is purely neutral.
  8. All pain and suffering and consciousness infliction of pain and suffering stem from the same mind-consciousness that creates the illusions of good and evil. If all beings were attuned to the One, there would be no suffering, no 'evil', no rape and no murder. It is impossible to relate occurances such as rape and murder which are of the mind-consciousness paradigm, which is not what reality IS but what human reality has manifested, to the paradigm of pure consciousness.
  9. See I know my philosophy but I don't think I ever got this whole "mind-consciousness paradigm." Sounds a little like a cop out idea to argue for complete moral neutrality which I believe leads to self worship in the end.
  10. man... philosophy means wisdom or Sophia.

    Start seeking truth man.
  11. My point isn't against philosophy, it is against the idea of moral neutrality, which I believe is a wrong philosophical path to follow.
  12. I'd agree with you there.

    the only philosophy that's worth anything is the philosophy of the heart.
  13. man is the root of all evil... as well as the good.
  14. I thought money was the root of all evil
  15. philosophy leads to religion? unexplainable forces led to religion.
  16. That. Right there.
  17. #17 k6ger1228, Aug 28, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2008
    Basically there is no root to all evil. Evil does not exist. It is some idea we hold the be true within our selves. People who kill people are evil, but hero's are people who kill people who just killed a person to make up for it. Same thing happens just a different label is added.

    The root of all evil is the root of all evil.
  18. Then we agree to disagree.

    After living my whole life in America I have seen power-hungry people do horrible things. Horrible.

    The lust for power. It fucks 'em up. So to speak.
  19. nobody can prove that anything is right or wrong, so moral neutrality is basically a fact.

    despite that, we live in a society where we do have morals and values and if you step outside of those morals prepare to face the consequences.

    we have morals and laws that people follow for the most part, but those rules don't stop much from happening. people still get raped and murdered, people still use drugs.

    i believe that passed all of society's standards and moral values, there is a true right and wrong, and most people feel it in their gut.
  20. Gullibility (flocks) and desire for control (preachers/messiahs) leads to religion.
    oh yeah, and money is the root of all evil.

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