i heard about them but have no clue what they are .. drugs you pick up at the pharmacy ????? how does dat work ?? and how do people get high on painkillers ???? ima confused
It's actually a pretty amazing concept.. Your doctor, a person who heals you when dying, writes you something called a perscription, not subscription, and then you go to a pharmacy and you pick it up! Fricken amazing, eh?
i know dat ... but normally the doctor doesent prescribe fuckin weed or otha drugs that u wud get illegally so how the fuck do people get high on legal shyt ??? that was sorta ma question .. i know what a pharmacy is and a prescription and all that
i may regret asking this but you do know about medicinal marijuana, right? people getting high on pharmaceuticals isn't always legal (unless they have a prescription for it, in which case they're not really "high" anyway... plus painkills are more of a buzz than a high but i digress)
dude, street drugs and pharmacutical drugs are essentially the same, in that they all cause a reaction in you that's different from how your body would normally be. It's just the perscriptions manage to stay legal enough to help sick people. Alot of illegal drugs could help sick people too, but thats just how the system is.