Ph problems

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Collickluke, Jul 8, 2020.

  1. Hello ladies and gents I’m having a prob with my ph I’m growing in gaia green living soil optimum ph is 6.2-6.8 I was watering with r/o water but realized it has no alkalinity upon doing some research after I tested my soil ph with my blue lab soil tester and my ph was 5.5. so I watered with 7 once and 6.9 another time and tested my ph again today and it’s 5.7. my plant looks ok but I can see some leaves being effected looks like magnesium deficiency, how can I counter this I have blue sky organically ph up and down but haven’t used them cus ph of water before it goes in the soil is great plz help.

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  2. I use recharge tiny bit each watering but this last time I used just dechlorinated tap mixed with nestea spring water tap water was 7 and bottles was 6.9 on there own
  3. I don’t speak Asian bud
  4. The pH of water has a very temporary effect on soils pH (dissolved solids are another matter), but the soil has a huge effect on the waters pH and will soon bring it to match the soils pH.

    That's why it is so important that the soil be buffered to the propher pH range.


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