PH of water and effect on PH of soil

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by hiigel, Nov 30, 2007.

  1. Hi kids,

    I'm rather neew top growing and I seem to hVE problem understanding PH.

    I have a cheap meter that tells me the ph of my water is about 6.8, right place to be? But when I water my plants nd check the PH of the soil, it drops down to 6. Can't I adjuat the soil PH with the water?

    My plants are in about week 8 of flower and look horrible; leVES CUUPPING DOWN, UGLY, DYING, AND JUST GEWNERlly sick. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. I believe watering would dillute the PH for a short time, until it was dried up again. Post some pics if you could of your plants, how bad are they doing? Might want to hoof it over to the problems sub-forum for more help. Good luck buddy!
  3. Thanks Razzy; I will try to get some pics. I'm bout sick watching them just die away as they are.
    I have some errands to run; will post tonight.

    Thanks again
  4. You need to measure the pH of your runoff water or measure the soil (which actually is not measuring soil pH but the pH of the water in the soil). This is all that matters, not what you have going in. 6.0 is too low, you need to raise it, and you can raise it by adding higher pH water or adding a variety of things that will raise pH.

    The role of pH: the MJ plant can uptake nutrients only within certain pH ranges. If the pH is out of range then the plant cannot uptake the nutrients. So, you can end up with a nutrient deficiency even though you are delivering plenty of nutrients. The target pH range is different for each nutrient, but all the ranges overlap in the 6.4-6.8 range (for a soil grow), so that is your target pH level to ensure the plant does not get nute lock-out.

    You say your plants are 8 weeks into flower -- forget about what the leaves look like, what do the buds look like? You could be real close to harvest.
  5. Many strains mature at 8 weeks and when they do leaves naturaly die,what are you gauging your harvest on and what strain is it?Cut off all nutes 1-2 weeks prior to harvest.
  6. Ok, I finally got around to pkotoes; not quality, but you can see the cupped leaves and dying leaves.
    Thanks for your help guys

    Attached Files:

  7. Yes, PH needs to be around 7. If it is way off and causing a problem this late in the grow, you are going to need to flush them. They do not look that bad, though. Check the runoff water PH.
  8. ATT89921[1].jpg




    image003[1].jpg [/attach][/attach][/attach][/attach][/attach]

    ]Besides loading wrong pictures!??
  9. You should give an up date more often and how long the flowering time WAS
    and the strain type,you may have just needed to cut nutes and harvest in a week or two.Which is what you may have done.:D
  10. Ok,a late update. SPIDER MITES EVERYWHERE!!! I've spreayed and sprayed, and I mean I turned these babies upside down, and there are still spider mites!!
    I've tried the Safer brand as well as two others. Is it time for Neem Oil??

    I really want to have a good crop. Geez, this is my fourth and none have been very special. I have enough room for six of whatevewr this is. Seeds came from medical MJl from San Fransisco. They got pretty root bound in 12 oz. cups and just went crazy when they got a 1 gallon to run around in.

    Ok, back to spider mites. I'm sending for neem oil tonight unless I hear differently. I understand I want pressed, not whatever else they do to it. I'm also going to be using Mother Earth Grow, Bloom, Catalyst, Essential Spray, (maybe), as well as Hygrozyme. Also , as I said, Neem Oil. Do any of you have any suggestions for better, but comperabley priced, including shipping to West Coast.

    From what I've used so far, this some fair stuff, but this is only second try with this plant. Next is California stuff. Big Big broad leaves, gonna be tight for six of them in 3x4 with 600 watter, air cooled, fresh air from exterior, ect, with mylar till I harvest the rest and then it gets painted with the stuff that kills everything and then white and washable paint. Any brightness level? I know, go look. OK

    Do you guys want to see one branch that came off a few days ago?? I guess I will if I get any answers.

    As I said, any suggestions for Anything would be appretiated.

  11. Well, they are a little burned, and this is the nicest that I'm going to get. It's diaginal on a standard newspaper, aprox. 13 inches long from bud to bud. It's not to bad, good lighter stone and it last quite a while.

    Hm, they didn't load, not sure where they would be.


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