Peter Joseph on Stefan Molyneux: The Art of Nonsense | Pathology or Con-Artistry?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Earth Ling, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. \tPeter Joseph on Stefan Molyneux: "The Art of Nonsense" | Pathology or Con-Artistry?


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  2. Is Peter Joseph still mad because Stefan fact checked him? Lol
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  3. ^ Lol, pretty much.
    It's funny because this PJ video is a response to an hour long video Stefan made as a follow up to the debate, and at the end Stefan describes the whole Zetigeist movement and PJ's attitude as that of a child throwing tantrums and what not.
    And now look at what PJ is doing :laughing:
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    Listen here buddy. Were on the same fucking side except for how we feel the way the economy should be ran.Besides that , We probably believe in the same things: a healthy planet without all the pollutants,Peaceful planet, Healthy food,Free energy, & maybe uniting the human species and declaring all earths resources a common heritage to all people.
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    Yes I know, except the whole Zeitgeist RBE is akin to a childhood ideology where you don't have to worry about anything, and everything is provided to you, hence what Stefan talked about. It is extremely far-fetched and almost immature to devout time and energy to something like that.
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    And why not? Why should people have to worry about how they are going to pay for the heat or lights to be on when in fact there are technologies were all people can have free energy,food, housing?  Having technology to free every day burdens is not far fetched. Actually, technology is surpassing the human expectations and what we are seeing is an evolution of thinking.  The technology to create an abundance of foods to feed the world is not far fetched or immature thinking. Having the technology to make this planet a cleaner, safer, and more hospitable planet  but not doing so sounds more immature to me than anything. Still hanging on to this dieing money system seems like old time ideology to me and needs to be fetched FAR.
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    What technology for free energy and housing? What technology for free food? Who ships the food to you? Who farms the animals for no profit? 
    I'm all for having robots do everything so we have to do nothing but lets be real here. 
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    I really dont see a problem with enslaving technology and making it do our bidding instead of how humans do. There still is going to be needs for work. Just not the useless types of works, like banking,. Frankly, he money system just gets in the way of progress.
  10. #10 Sovereign Psyche, Oct 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2013
    The economy shouldn't be run.  I should not be enslaved by your whims and desires.  You should let me interact peacefully amongst my peers, and I choose to use money; how are you going to stop me?
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  11. #11 Thejourney318, Oct 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2013
    While I don't know much about the specifics behind the zeitgeist ideology being discussed, I sure do wish people WERE more open to idealistic thinking, not so quick to dismiss. I am someone who believes we could create something near a human paradise, but the 'elite' are invested in maintaining that higher level status, and most of us don't like to even think out of the box in the first place about how it could be done. We've come so far...we should be striving for an idealistic utopia, of course. Truly considering the possibility is always the first step.
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  12. #12 Sovereign Psyche, Oct 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2013
    To think that I'm not fine with creating a paradise is silly.  It's just people like this argue that money is not necessary but don't offer any alternatives.  Also, this idea carries with it an implicit desire to control the actions of others.
    You should learn more about free market economics to understand why if there is a logical efficient method of bringing about near paradise, it will happen, and you don't need to abolish money in order for it to blossom.  In fact, money is an extremely wonderful tool used to quantify efficiency and desire among other things.
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    This is what it sounds like to me.
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    There are technologies for an abundance of clean energy. There are materials were people can build huge skyscraper type  greenhouse's to feed the people. There are many ways in which housing can be made to fit all peoples needs. Its just not free yet due to the choke hold the system has. 
    At first people will be much needed for strenuous work like farming or tending animals until a better method can be made. Personally, I would work any sector of the labor chain in order to have a cleaner,safer, health friendly environment. I feel thats a great trade. Im sure theres going to be those people who dont want to do anything, and thats fine. I think the majority of people would rather contribute rather than sit by.
    With billions of people ,the work would be less and probabl much easier
  15. There isnt a chokehold from the system, this technology just isnt feasible. 
    Not now anyway.
    I got 5 minutes in and had to stop. He started off showboating, followed by some implied importance of the amount of time he's spent debating with and who it was with (I say implied because he droned on about it, as though it were relevant to the topic), and then immediately misrepresented of the purpose of government.. I got so mad. I feel like his pompous ass right now.
    Please tell me he's not the only person in that video.
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  17. ^Lol, he is giving his introduction, something which people in debates usually do, hence the first video where PJ and Stefan both gave lengthy intros.
    God, I hate it when my doctor comes in and tells me how long he has been in practice, where he went to school, his specialty......
    It seems like he only spent a minute talking about his background, then proceeded with his self-deprecating humor, then he proceeds to tell you what he is going to talk about.
    Wow, such a pompous ass indeed :laughing:
    And what is the purpose of government, since you dont like what he said up to 5 minutes?
    To protect its nation. I will admit that is my belief, what I want from Government. Protection.
    I've never watched a full debate, so I'm unfamiliar with how it goes down. None of my schools have even had a debate club. Another reason to add to why I don't want government involved in my education.
    I don't care what people have done. People are easy to trick. I want to know what his point is.
    If you believe him or another speaker has a valid point, wouldn't they be worthy of encouraging others to listen to them, instead of mocking me because let my emotions get the better of me? I suppose everyone will do what they will. I'm needlessly continuing preaching my morals. I do that a lot.
    Sorry I reacted so strongly to a bunch of information that had nothing to do with why I started watching the video. What is your opinion on his stance in the video?
  19. ^ Sorry, I have to deal with constant statist bullshit and propaganda in the Politics section, so I dont always have the right attitude.
    I think people should protect themselves first, but am fully open to the idea of a military for national defense. I dont believe in all the aggressive military actions the US has done for decades now however, its downright evil. 
    I listen to Stefan a lot. He is an anarchist, so he doesnt like the initiation of force or really any government and bases his views on those things, which I agree with him on a lot of things, but dont have his full anarchist views, its too much of a pipe dream at this point in human history. He is a very smart person and can be very refreshing to hear talk.
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  20. I did go back and watch the rest of the video. Definitely worth it, I'm glad my first impression was so far off.
    "The world view of a child."
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