Peter Dante

Discussion in 'General' started by Jaranas, Aug 16, 2010.

  1. I just saw Grandma's boy again, and I suddenly had the urge to share my appreciation for Dante. He is ,by far, my favorite character from any of the "stoner movies". He is pure awesomeness and I feel like he is underappreciated in the community.
  2. "Wow... where do you get your weed from? From you Dante. oh... THATS RIGHT! whats up mr. cheezle

    :hello: I love gandmas boy :cool:
  3. i was just decorating my chirstmas tree.

    why are you naked?

    OH MY GOD! i am naked! come on in!!
  4. Why is he so tan?
  5. "Im way to baked to drive to the devils house":smoke::smoke:
  6. "Nobodys fucks with a lion. "
  7. "What's that ringing? Do I have a tumor?"
    "it's for you... I think it's the Devil"

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