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Perspective closet grow

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by czarr, May 19, 2006.

  1. Here i have illustrated what i plan to build in two weeks for vegatative growth in my new apartment. Although only 5 plants are drawn I plan on having 8 under a 400 watt MH light. The illustration is also mileading in that the light will be able to raise all the way up to the ceiling giving me a good 7' of verticle space for my plants. For this reason i decided to grow a Sativa, namley "swazi skunk" My main concern right now is heat. I plan on using a reflective hood for the lamp that i can push air through. For ciruculation i'll be usising a 6" vortex linked to an activated charcoal filter. The passive intake will be cut into the door and properly designed to let no light escape. The exahst will be drilled into the top of the door and connected with 6" ducting.Will this provide ample circulation and keep the temperature down to an acceptable level? And also: will the size of the intake in the light hood limit my vortex efficency/ do they come in 6" sizes??Thanks for your help and i'll provide real pictures + grow journal once i have everything up and running:wave:

    Attached Files:

  2. if that light can be raised and lowered, you are in good shape.
  3. Yes, the light will be able to move vertically and i forgot to mension there will be an occilating fan keeping a light wind on the plants to build stem strength
  4. use a SunTube if you don't already have a hood. Nice work.

  5. I havn't yet purchased a hood. Would a homemade SunTube such as work just as good or is it necessary to shell out the $100?

    edit: Also does the internal reflector really do a good job or is an external one still needed for optimum lighting?

    edit 2: One more thing: Should i be concerned with the noise of the vortex fan? This is my first grow so i have no idea what to expect noise wise. If it will help reduce sound I will be suspending it from the ceiling but this closet is located in my bedroom so it is important to keep it to a level i can sleep with
  6. I'd shell out the hundred, but that's just me.

    The internal reflector does a great job for smaller spaces. In my larger areas, I pull it out and throw the bat wings on to it.

    Vortex is easily the quietest fan for the amount of air moved. It's still going to make noise, but you can mitigate it easily.
  7. Yes, your 6" vortex connected directly to your fan hood will be more than ample air movement. And yes, the size of your passive intake on the hood will directly effect air flow.

    As for keeping everything quiet, its tricky, but can be done with a little planning. Use insulated ducting instead of the regular foil kind, the insulation will absorb a great deal of sound, as will your carbon filter. Connect the insulated ducting to one end of your inline fan, and your carbon filter directly to the other end, to muffle sound from both ends. If that's not enough, I sometimes wrap the outside of the inline fan with insulation or foam padding. After that, if there's still too much noise, there's not much more you can do other than line the walls and door of your room with sound deadening material. You could also attach a speed controller to your fan and run it at a reduced speed, you could probably get away with 50-75% of your fan's power and still keep temperatures in check (depending on outside temperatures).

    Looks like you've done your research, your plans look pretty solid. If possible, I'd place the passive intake below the plants, to allow air to travel up through the canopy. Also, the small piece of ducting coming from the air intake on your reflector hood is unnecessary. If you don't use a SunTube and still end up using a hood, I would cover up the intake and remove the glass from the bottom. Some people believe having the tempered glass there helps keep temperatures down, however I have not noticed any temperature changes from removing it.

    Good luck with your new grow, post some pictures when you have it up and running, I'd love to see it.
  8. Like you install your carbon filter it will not do need to put it at the beginning of the ventilation line.

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