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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Coldgreenetea, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. so we smoked two bowls, three people with some mids and hash, i cant really feel it today, but yesterday, which was 24hrs after i smoked, i felt weird all day, like a mini im hungoveer so i cant tell, but still
  2. I call this a mongover and its one of the best parts of smoking weed imo.
  3. I got those all the time, especially when I fell asleep stoned and back when I'd only been smoking a couple months.
  4. its an afterglow, but yeah sometimes you can feel being "high" even when you havn't smoked for hours. and you can feel sober when you smoke to much at times hahaha.

    its amazing what we can do with our minds.
  5. yea, I did fall asleep high. I actually really enjoyed it, I did some shopping and stuff, its almost like a constant nicotine buzz lol.
  6. im on a t break for 4 days right now and im 2 and ahalf in and i can feel an nice little body buzz
  7. yeah this feelings one of the best feelings just doing everyday stuff in a daze... just makes everything more enjoyable :)
  8. Goes away in 2 or 3 days, if that.
  9. I dunno why so many people like this feeling, i dislike it. alway feels like I'm below my maximum awesomeness capacity
  10. I made my first attempt to smoke some marijuana joints mixed with a pint of tobacco,and it was succesful.
    Yeah i know what you mean it happened to me yesterday
    i got high at 13:00 and i could still feel the minor effect at 22:00,23:00

    And after i got up in the morning and cleaned up
    i dont know why,something made me make my bed (i never make it done)
    and i feel very happy today! :D (the best part is,that i dont feel the "need" to smoke marijuana today)
  11. Yeah, it happens. A lot of people will say that it doesn't but the majority of people that i've seen seem to agree that the day after smoking you still don't quite feel..'normal'. Its not the same as being high, and you can function fine, but there is something that isn't just quite right. I guess its just trace amounts of THC and other chemicals still in your system or something, i don't know. Sometimes you have it worse than other times too. Its not really a big deal. A lot of people advise taking vitamins, drinking juice, etc. One thing that always seems to help me is to just take a nice relaxing hot shower and clear your head, and then eat some chocolate. Not sure why it helps but it seems to for me anyway. Oh and juice does help too.
  12. I used to get it when I started out, and still get it sometimes after a heavy sesh. I call it a residual high. It's really fucking annoying when you have something the next day and you need to concentrate and you can't :p
  13. me and my friends call it been washed. cause it kinda feels like you went through a wash
  14. Take a hit in the morning. Some people use coffee to wake up, I use moderate amounts of cannabis.

  15. man I miss those days.

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