People who meditate I need your help.

Discussion in 'General' started by Cplus, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. #1 Cplus, Oct 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2014
    I just started meditating yesterday which I did for 30min was a great experience but left my head feeling weird like there's pressure especially between my eyebrows and when I went to sleep I woke up three times from three nightmares and the pressure stayed into today. I meditated again today this time for one hour again great experience started seeing a waterfall and I could see inside myself and images of the universe but very choppy and hard to focus on but the pressure is still here but a lot more it doesn't seem to be hindering me but I'm worried about it. I want to keep meditating because when you're in the zone it's so blissful but I want to know if this pressure is normal and if I should keep going?
  2. That pressure may be tension, which perhaps is always there to some extent, and meditation might make you more aware of it. Try to relax each part of your body a little at a time. I doubt meditation is causing it.
  3. I'll give that a shot. I'm going to bed now hopefully I won't get these nightmares again. Also, I read that meditating opens your third eye which is something I do not want especially hearing about demons and spirits you can see is there a way to avoid that from happening or is it just a bunch of hogwash
  4. Forget all that crystal-kissing third-eye bullshit. Just relax. Let meditation be your own personal experience. Refreshment, rejuvination and even wisdom will all come from within. Sounds like a load, but don't worry about terms or if you are doing it right or wrong, and meditation can help with many things in many ways. It is simply a gentle focusing of the consciousness, you focus on relaxing.
  5. Go out side run block out to hand to the each? ?

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