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Pennsylvania Operation Pipe Dreams?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by gmail, Aug 27, 2010.

  1. #1 gmail, Aug 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2010

    I just ordered an acrylic tattoo tube and 100 screen pack from here. After ordering, I noticed the "will not send United Glass Ware" to certain states (PA being one of them). I know, my piece isn't glass.... but after reading a bit about "Operation Pipe Dreams" the order has me a bit worried. I am a 45 year old mother with an illness and to be honest, i'd rather go to jail over the product not the paraphernalia. So my question is, is my order safe and for the most part legal? I know you are never 100% safe in life, I am just wondering....... maybe a bit paranoid. :p

    I hope someone answers/responds pretty quickly, I am still debating on sending my drafted email to cancel my order (but would rather not).. Hopefully an experienced buyer from the South western area of Pennsylvania can help me out with this. Thank you!

    .....n to all others with an illness fighting for MMJ in Pennsylvania right now, my heart goes out to you. Thank you for trying to make my life, a more criminal free, righteous life.

    P.S. I only have 24 hours after purchase to cancel, so their site says. Which is why I am hovering over this post like a hawk.
  2. yes you will be fine, theres nothing wrong with using a water pipe for tobacco use ;), but yea yull be good
  3. I can't say whether or not the order will be shipped (if not you will get your $$ back) but if it does get shipped I am sure you won't have a problem.

    You definitely won't have feds knocking your door down over a bong! You will be OK either way. Nothing to worry about except maybe them not shipping it and waiting for a refund.

    Good luck.
  4. #4 gmail, Aug 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2010
    You don't know how much your posts mean to me. Thank you so much! ***deletes her drafted email****


    P.S. I just added a reputation thingy to both of you two. Thank you again from a hippie mother in the hills of PA!
  5. Tobacco bong rips...? Don't they make your chest cry?
  6. I live in PA and I know a ton of people who get things shipped here all the time. Don't even worry about it.

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