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Pennsylvania fuego

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by McNasty18, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. #1 McNasty18, Jan 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2013
    Hey guys here is a bud that Is left from my last HP. Price for the HP 2k taken on my IPhone. Let me know what you guys think!
  2. #2 Deleted member 455976, Jan 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2020
    [Indissoluble account termination] result
  3. Thanks man it's pretty dense actually and if you crack it open there is so much purple. If I remember correctly it weighed 6.1
  4. [quote name='"McNasty18"']Hey guys here is a bud that Is left from my last HP. Price for the HP 2k taken on my IPhone. Let me know what you guys think!

    Damn dude looks real dank. We always seem to get good dank in Pa.
  5. I wouldn't mind burning a HP of that :bongin:
  6. Nice! Interesting bud structure, any idea what strain it is?
  7. i agree with you,if you crack it open there is so much purple. If I remember correctly it weighed 6.1.thanks[​IMG]

  8. For real! Hahaha.

    On new years I was looking for middies so I could roll everyone a joint... but I couldn't find anything.
  9. Looking good.
  10. I got the mids ...... Unfortunately. :rolleyes:

  11. Thanks man yes PA get some good dank some people say its expensive but I've been blessed to get some boss connects.

    Someone asked about the strain I really don't know to be honest all tht was on the bag when I got it was a big X lol. It smells so fruity almost like fruity pebbles with a little spice mixed in. When you smoke it it tastes like a mint candy of some sort.
  12. Nice bud. I live in PA also and there's a lot of dank weed around lately although prices remain high, I'm not complaining because we're not a MMJ State and people have to take a risk to get good smoke and they deserve to get top dollar for top shelf weed.
  13. Doesn't look tht bad brother. Where in pa are you btw? I'm 15min outside philly

  14. ^^^Dutch Wonderland.....right down Rt30 from you:wave:
  15. Damn dude 2k for a hp of that...taxing like a motherfucker
  16. I live in the 570 area in the northeast part of the state. I'm 2 hours north east of Philly. 2k for an HP Is a great price in this part of the state really any part I think anyway. Some is not trimmed the best but other then that it's perfect. I pay 36 for a full which goes easily goes for 4000-5000 up in this part.
  17. Anyone else near the 570?

  18. I'm from Williamsport! :)
  19. 717? Take 30 the whole way to Philly if you wanna avoid the turnpike. Just picked up new shit and it tastes like fruity pebbles like the op said his shit does

  20. Awesome that's pretty close I go to lock haven alot a few of my friends live there. I've only been to Williamsport for the little league World Series.

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