I'm having issues with a Peltier reservoir chiller I built for a 5 gallon tank with an 80 g.p.h. water pump. It is a 12v 6A 92w Peltier chip connected to a 12v 6A 72w power supply. The room that the Cooler unit is in stays at 68°F but my tank temp has soared to 75°F. I've checked orientation of the chip, ensured my heat sink is working properly, now I'm beginning to think my power supply and chip are underpowered for my 5 gallon tank. Is there anything else I could have done wrong? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
ive only messed with peltiers once and from my experience id be surprised if only a 92w chip could cool that amount of water. was it working before? some pics would be pretty neat. is your tank placed on the directly on the floor?
Sorry for the lateness of the reply, here are some pictures. I apologize for the poor quality, I'm using my phone. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I'm looking at a more powerful chip and power supply, unfortunately my math skill aren't up to par and could really use a hand in finding the right Peltier module and accompanying power supply. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Correct, further troubleshooting has indicated the chip itself is faulty. Checked continuity on all leads, ensured the power supply is generating power and found my Peltier chip is not getting hot or cold. TL;DR: I suspect my chip is shot. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
well i remember with the peltier chips the hot side needs to be cooled really well... that heat sink you have looks like my cooler master evo 212. I googled what the max wattage they can handle and an over clocker forum said 180w. now im not sure if thats even true but if it translates into the peltier chip realm you could look for a 180w, or there abouts, unit. Im seeing a 154w unit on amazon but needs a 12v, 10 amp power supply. Maybe a salvaged PC power supply with multiple 12v outputs would work. then you'll need more heatsinks. Im thinking 1 wont work by itself. id maybe try and look cooling with a radiator and a box fan. i hope you get your thing going. i think its pretty cool non the less
I found a suitable power supply on Amazon and I have a second fan for my heatsink. After crunching the numbers 154w is really close to what I need (160w is what I came up with) Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum