Peeing on an electric fence

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Chewybud, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. Im really high and i was just writing a thread about peeing and for some damn reason i couldn't remember how to spell the word, so i go on google type in how i think it spelt (i was right by the way) and i found this (hee hee) its pretty funny
  2. lol, that was funny.
  3. Did it once when I was about 10, knocked me down, blistered end of my D**K!!!:eek::eek: funny as shit now:laughing::laughing:, hurt like a bitch then!:(
  4. Huh, I coulda sworn I saw a mythbusters where they proved that it wouldn't shock you?

    Maybe there was a different outcome than I remember.
  5. Damn, that would hurt! The thread title reminded me of the Ren & Stimpy where they had the board game "Dont Pee on the Electric Fence". Now I got that silly little theme song stuck in my head.
  6. Mythbusters did pissing on the 3rd rail, not pissing on an electric fence. For the record they did it on jackass and the dude looked like he was really hurting.

  7. The one they did on Mythbusters that you're thinking of is a myths revisited episode. They
    actually did it as a followup to pissing on the third rail.

    Anyway, they were peeing on an agricultural fence. Just a small knuckle sized conductor and
    an intermittent pulse. I imagine the fence around an airport would do some damage, being
    that they don't want terrorists scaling the fences and blowing up planes and such.
  8. I was like 9 when I pissed on a fence that turned out to be electric, but it was just to hold in horses. Still, I yelled WHOA! and quickly pissed elsewhere. It was just a shock, no damage in the penis for sure.... I laughed about it, I was more surprised than anything else.
  9. Holy fuck, why is that electric fence powerful enough to create a small explosion?
    That's intense.
  10. seriously why the fuck do you have to pee on a fence... what happened to pissing on the ground. For that matter use a bathroom, its nasty going places and smelling piss everywhere.

    the video was great :)
  11. wahhaha that's great
  12. Watch the red dot. Our fences were adjustable. You could set pulse strength and intermit times.

    I fooled so many by peeing on fence and saying "look it aint on". Grown and drunk usually in the country.

    I laugh my ass off everytime. Payed to know what a flashing redlight means on a farm.
  13. lol its just like on COPS when a dood get tazered. lol the little shake, then the fall, god thats funny.
  14. im pretty sure i speak for my entire gender when i say "ow, just ow"

    thats y if im pissin outside i make sure i aim for something thats not ganna hurt little stew11
  15. Yeah, Raab Himself pissed on the electric fence. After the shock he cried, so it must have fucking hurt lol.

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