Pedobear on Fox News

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by Roland_Deschain, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. [ame=]YouTube - Pedobear, The New Pedophile - FOX23 News.flv[/ame]

  2. Wow he didn't even say pedobear right.

  3. #3 Olesmoky, Sep 20, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2010
    Only fox news can make me laugh hysterically about child molestation.

    "They're getting stimulated by that one touch. You don't see it; we don't know it cause they're hidden under that costume, but thats their sexual stimulation. Keep your children away from these mascots; keep your children away from anybody dressed up coming up to embrace your child."

    She makes it sound like every mascot who touches a kid is hiding a raging boner under the costume.
  4. HAHAHAHAHHAHA one of these pedobears may be approaching your children and getting his goal of a raging boner by your child. keep your children away!! beware! the bear!
  5. What would this world be without Fox News...

    Even Pedobear gets fair and balanced coverage.
  6. My dream of being a mascot has been thoroughly shattered. :(
  7. I wonder if sexual harassment panda knows about this...

  8. My god only Fox. ;)
  9. lol @ the clip footage of him dressed up and running in the mall

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